
You know that sound you hear and it reminds you of a great time in your life, but it makes you sad because it's all gone now. That's surf curse.


You don’t understand how happy and sad this song makes me.


I can’t wait till summer, summer feels like such an escape right now


Around three years ago, I lost my grandfather, who was my best friend. This song helps me remember all the memories. It makes me appreciate it, though it may be painful without him with me. I can’t help but cry, because I know he feels the same. He will always be my best bud. Love you Popop ❤️


this is one of those songs that you replay over and over again because it’s too short.


As a 23 year old I see comments about being a teenager. All I’ve got to tell the younger generation is to be yourself and surround yourself with safe friends who love you for who your are. Find yourself before you find others. I promise it’ll be okay.


This sounds like the teenage years we couldn't had.


I hear this song every time I think of every life choice that had led me up to this moment


This song reminds me of memories that haven’t even happened yet


Goosebumbs when he sings "I won't wake up this time"


Imagine laying in your bed at 3am listening to this masterpiece while watching your "friends" posts and stories on social media. They're all having fun without but you have yourself,art,music and you close your eyes knowing that you're going to be alone forever but you are happy.


"Don't kill me, just help me run away from everyone. I need a place to stay, where I can cover up my face. Don't cry, I'm just a fish 🐟" I really felt that one 😭


do yall ever realise how life goes? at first u have no problems and ur just having the best years of ur life but then suddenly, you need to go to school, you get to see your friends less often, you get bad grades and your parents scream at you, it's just sad how this is what we have to go through nowadays, many people even suffer from depression because of this


somebody commented on a song once "if youtube puts a song in your recommendations, never scroll past it" and i have stuck by that with no regrets


“don’t kill me just help me run away”
my favourite lyrics ever


This song always makes me calmer and with a clear conscience when I'm really sad


i want my room to look like how this sounds

update: my room does in fact look like how this sounds now


I'm 25 Years old and this song make me nostalgia of a past that i didn't live but I'd Have liked to live... If you are a teenager or are you going to become one of those, please listen to me. Do not waste your time, do every thing you feel to do even the bad thing. Cry, laugh, love and above all do not care about anything


"We didn’t know we were making memories, we were just having fun."