The tipster and bowblax images in the intro fucked me up for a second. 😂
What was “weird” were all the time Arcch tried SO HARD to make this about the exploitation of children.
If Arrch at 19yo thinks THIS was a “scam,” he’s going to be continuously victimized by life.
I feel like in previous years bigger creators like this guy or ethan would've just rolled over and submitted to the false allegations and made an apology, but this year every drama has been them blowing these people out of the water and it rocks
nothing pisses me off more than some entitled teenager going after an adult and when that adult defends themselves, their only argument is "You're nearly 30 years old. Why are you coming after me??" Frickin entitled little brats never had to face consequences for their actions before that's why there's so many weird little teen girls that fake grooming allegations just cos they got upset with a content creator
When you said you covered Arrch, I heard AARP, as in the American Association of Retired Persons, and I was very confused, lol.
What was hilarious to me is all the slop channels switching sides almost immediately after nick eh 30 responded
Arrch is a prime example of someone being in a parasocial relationships lol. (Also him being like yay I got monetized. Lol ok lil bro, people are gonna stop caring and stop watching cause his content is sh*t and he'll just be like wahhhh what can I dig up about Nick Eh 30 to get $ and then act like I'm not 😂).
i’m dead serious you are my favorite creator it’s like just listening to one of my friends talk shit about something i’d otherwise have no interest in at all
And you know what else is massive?
Another fun part about this is that after Nick Eh did his response, his skin popped up in the store soon after. Even Fortnite dunked on this boy.
As a Brit I can say we don't take ownership of this this twot with no comen sence lol
“Never stop stopping” - Nicholas Deorio 2025
dude I knew I was hearing Xqc inflections coming out of Nick Eh 30's mouth, him being Canadian explains it. so this is how Xqc woud sound like if he wasn't also specifically from Quebec
nicholas deorio
He’s old enough to vote, therefore can’t use that “I’m 19, i don’t know any better.”
Nick Eh 30 was playing a game and this guy was arguing about giving him either or for a challenge.
This arcch guy better thank and do whatever donations he gets on the dot, idc what he is doing. I don't care if hes locked in against the hardest fortnite battle ever. I better see "Thanks donoshiter202020 for the one dollar. I will delete my fortnite account rn as requested"