
Top wish list items for GTA VI?


today on "things we already know":


Having to fuel vehicles at least for single campaign wouldn't be a bad idea, so long as you don't have to too often. Using the trunk inside vehicle to store weapons, maybe only carry so many on player at a time. The arcade feel of the earlier 3D GTA games were great for their time, but as game visualization improves, some added realism shouldn't hurt game play any. At least one 1980's music radio station. ;) Won't make or break the game if these wishes don't make the game. I would like the map to be bigger than V's. Its funny V had the city of Los Santos and an abundance of mountains/greenery. San Andreas had three unique cities with dessert, and highways and countryside.


Clothes customisation especially for the character Lucia where she could wear more types of clothes and she can wear several layers of clothes too


I think adding players dialogue choices in gta6 like cyberpunk would be a game changer


Better car customization.. because what we got now aint it lol


Dude get to the point holy hell


Video don’t even start till 2 minutes and 20 seconds in 🤦‍♂️




2:24 your wrong. GTA 5 is the state of San Andreas and the original San Andreas was a state also.


Thanks So Much!


In past GTAs there cameos are always just cutscenes, if celebs are in the game actually have them apart of the mission. Fortnite style


u too zesty to talk about gta, go talk about sum else dawg


What if we can rob and hold trains up