
Ohhh those are daggers? I always thought they had scythe hands


This looks like Kings field


I never know the red eye ghost is holding a baby!


"Hey, look at my cute baby!"
shoots fucking lightning out of her baby


They're actually HOLDING the daggers? Thought it was just their hands lol I'm dumb


The First Dark Souls has a lot of Focus on Women with Babies/Children in most areas of the game. 

The Catacombs are just the same. There are two statue types that showcase the Pinwheel Masks; Version A are the statues that have the Father Mask... it is harmless and the most common

Version B are the status with two masks, the Mother on the Head and the Child at the Chest. When close to this statue the Child's two eyes and mouth let out three large... I guess metal pikes, not sure what the right word is. 

Undead Parish has the Statue of the Woman and the Baby; the Catacombs, with the Sarcophagus that holds the Darkmoon Ring, has that same statue. It should be noted that the statue has a "miniature sword", a Dagger, like the Banshees of New Londo. Go back to Undead Parish and grab binoculars, and look between what is the baby's legs. It's a blade of a dagger, or in the baby's size a Sword. Same statue in Undead Parish that is also beside the Sunlight Covenant. 

New Londo also has the same statues that the Painted World has; the Statue with the Woman with the Child resting by her legs. You can see two of the same statues resting by the Four Kings Fog Gate. 

Mottifs of Children and Mothers are everywhere in Dark Souls. It's crazy. Doesn't help that there are Women in both the Valley of Drake and New Londo Elevators when you reach both their bottoms.


yeah judging by their teeth i think there was something deeply wrong with people down in New Londo


pretty spooky, now drain all water


yeah these models definitely aren't ones you are meant to look too closely at. also lightning babies, well New Londo got even weirder. I'm starting to think flooding this place might have been in everyone's best interest, even the people who drowned


lol, is the ghost using the baby a a talisman  to shot lighting.


thank you. I never had the change the observe the ''mother ghost'' upclose. I knew they were able to use electrical attack but I didn't know it was actually the baby that did it!!! And I never knew they had their own ''grabbing'' move ( that's more a ''stabbing'' move).


Why you release this so late in the night for us UK boys, how am I suppose to go beddy byes when you've given me the spooky spooks!?


Heeeeeeyy can you make visible the path of the crystal cave???


Thank you for still caring about this masterpiece 😢😢


The worst place on dark souls 1 imho, these guys are such a pain in the ass


Always wanted to see them up close. Fuckin creepy. New Londo looks amazing when you see it through fpv Almost like a horror game.


Don't know how much the remaster changed it, but they are pretty visible to me, at least the fact that those are knifes and not hands


Dark Souls really needs a remaster. Preferably one where they scrap everything lava.


You can get double humanity from the ghost holding the baby.
They say the female undead moss merchant also drops double humanity, implying she was pregnant



“Chocolate? Did you say chocolate”