After successfully wasting 6 years of my life I understand the meaning of "no copy is left on the server" .Thanks Sir
Your video explained what two months of troubleshooting and chat support couldn't. Thank you.
Serious this is the single best explanation on YouTube about the difference in these two mail protocols. I'm currently studying for my 10-006 network + exam and all my study material doesn't explain it this well. This channel is a great resource for anyone learning about networking concepts. Thanks!
MY GOD, so many years and now I completely understand the differences between this two protocol. Thank you!
Please. Please make more videos. Your explanations along with the animation works very effectively. You set a very high standard for explainer videos.
I'm seriously astonished at how great these explanations are. It's difficult to find something similar on youtube.
couldn’t understand the lectures at all at my uni but I finally understand the difference between IMAP and POP3. Thank you sir.
I think this guy should teach step by step to the bean counters of Boeing why the 737-Max 8 is a flaw. For sure some engineers at Boeing have done that but to explain complex stuff in a clear and straightforward way would give amazing clarity. I have seen some videos about cables, WEP/WPA, DHCP in this same channel and it is incredibly clear. I'm thinking of sharing them with my 79-y.o. mom. Very good scripts, graphics, voice and timing. Keep up the good work!
Clap, clap, now this is the way to make a tutorial video...straight to the point with put all the malarky filler junk.....Excellent video
Every time when I got stuck into a situation where I am not able to understand any topic, that I need to cover in a short time, from any other channel, I used to visit your channel videos, and finally, it is the place where I am able to find the content (animated) that satisfies my need and my mind. Thanks a lot!😊
I have always been confused as to what these mean when setting up my email accounts remotely on my personal devices. Another great video
I have never been able to understand that much clear explanation ever before. thanks for making such a informative video.
Very well explained, especially the technical and practical aspects. I've been using the Internet since 1996/1997, when we only had dialup Internet access, so my e-mail client Netscape mail and Outlook Express used POP to download e-mails from my mailbox and then hang up when done. Ditto when sending mail. As you rightly pointed out, with POP the downloaded e-mail resides on the client and is still accessible on the client even without an Internet connection. I make it a point to regularly back up the messages, addresses and settings of my e-mail client and move it to external storage. Since then I have continued to use mostly POP to access my personal e-mail even over an always-connected fibre connection but I have begun to use IMAP for e-mail accessed by parties or devices, such as association or business e-mail. A slight disadvantage is that it takes a bit longer to download all the content, especially attachments with an e-mail message, than with POP e-mail, but that's not a major issue. Of course, if my Internet connection is down, it will certainly be an issue with accessing IMAP e-mail messages, though in that case, being unable to download or send POP e-mail without an Internet connections is not very much better.
I wish my professors were as clear in things. Very easy to understand video. I'm subscribing to learn more.
One of the best explanation about the difference between IMAP and POP3 mail protocols. It was so easy to understand your explanation. Great work!!
The only video i needed for the topic ...concepts were so easily understandable....Thank You SIr
The best best best explanation ever in youtube, simple, clear and direct to the point.
Dude your videos are so much better at explaining tech concepts than any other video series or textbook I've used
Best tutorial on POP3 vs IMAP that I have found.