Kayli, I’m 58 and I love your channel. At age 29 I was in a car crash and got Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndrome. I live thru your videos and I’m SO PROUD of you - your independence, your strengths and your weaknesses. You’re beautiful!!❤
I am so glad to hear that you are thinking about how your body moves. I am here on my couch at 50 wishing I could do the things you do. USE YOUR BODY UP!!! Use every last bit of it 🤗
I feel this 😭🫂 I turn 28 this year and instead of my appearance I’m more worried about chances I’m missing 😞 But I’m excited to work more and try taking care of things the best way I can ✌️
Saaaaame. Turned 30 during lockdown and all of a sudden noticed all these wrinkles and my face looking older and saggier than before. But then I started strength training and it slowly changed my mindset - I don’t care if I have wrinkles. That can’t be changed. But I do care if I’m strong and fit when I’m 80 - and that I can control in some way!
I am 55, i absolutely love your spirit and drive to live life on your terms. You are amazing and inspirational. Our experiences change us in every way, including appearance. Keep living your best life, you are beautiful inside and out. Plus an A++ kitty mom! ❤❤ kisses for Chungi! Xxx
Yes. Thanks for healthy reminder that aging is a gift and a privilege ❤
Aging is a gift and a privilege ❤
El cap view, swimming and rafting in the Merced River sounds like heaven right now. ❤
I’m 54, it gets easier. Take all the pictures, even when you feel like shit, when you look back you see how beautiful you are. 👍🏾
crazy bc i look at you and im always in awe of your beauty and courage!!! always love hearing your thoughts ❤️❤️❤️
Aging is a gift and not the end but the beginning of better self care. I learned so much on how to better support my body and healing. Where when I was younger I didn’t take care of myself. Your doing great and give yourself grace. ❤❤❤
just turned 35, feel like i also have a lot of new thoughts about aging. glad you were able to push through!
A couple years ago I went on a ski trip with my parents and met one of my mom’s friends. I’m in my early 20s, and she was in her 60s(?) and had a super wrinkly face but in the best way. She just looked so gorgeous and I could tell she’d spent her life enjoying life. The smile lines meant she’d smiled and laughed and loved, the weird tan meant she’d spend time outside being active and having fun. Now whenever I worry about aging I think about her, and I hope I can look like her one day.
I had a lot of the same noticing after I turned 30. I think it helps to just notice them. "Hm. Is this a new wrinkle on my hand? I guess I notice it now. This is what my hands look like now", it's a neutral attitude for me. It's okay to age <3 the anxiety about it is the problem. Good luck on your journey, you'll figure this out too
The more active I am, the more I focus on what my body can do and less on what I look like :)
Girl, i just turned 39. (Not sure how that happened). I keep expecting to see my 19 year old face in the mirror, no such luck. But you're right about being grateful my body works.
Can relate. I'm 34 and have had these thoughts like 2 years, since I feel like my face has changed. I have searched and learned that there are many ways to take care of the skin and face with massaging and face joga, which helps. I could not video myself openly to social media from every angle. Not my thing and my ego would not like it haha. You are brave and pretty. Also a fit bouldering mountain girl group looks so badass!! I want that too ahah.
Just wanted to say you’re so so beautiful!! You have inspired me to travel more (thank you for so many tips) sending you amazing vibes for the new year❤
This is such a useful and important conversation - and hallelujah for your realness and transparency. Thank you for sharing your normal 💜 And also, I'm so jealous of your amazing active and fun girl friend group - what a freaking treasure to have in life!