
Eric Haugen is always a most excellent way to cap off a workweek and ease into the weekend with kind music, brilliant insights, and pizza. Superb.


I've been a big fan of both you and khruangbin for years now. Khru opened the doors for me as far as guitar lead instrumental music can be cool and not just novelty for people who play the guitar. When I first saw their Tiny Desk performance years ago and it blasting open with Maria Tambien, I immediately wanted to go home and start taking the guitar more seriously. Same thing happened when i first saw your video covering "Nothing Compares to You", so its awesome to see two of my greatest inspo's come together for one video.


Mark speer is such a great guitarist and seems like a swell guy in every clip I've seen of him. His playing seems like a reflection of his personality


Your lesson more so then anyone else on youtube seem to come at the "right" time for me. You're great at teaching in a way where a beginner to an advanced player will get something out of it.


The genius of Mark Speer is highlighted by this meticulous dissection of this tune.  Well done, Eric. Fab job.


I just discovered khruangbin 2 weeks ago they are awesome--- wanted to thank you for this video it gave me great ideas and new chords in my practice ----- a gem



Eric, I really like your approach, professional and humble, your sincerity. I go out of my way to say what I feel listening to Khruangbin despite the fact that I am a complete inept with music in any instrument. I think Mark has transferred his own singing into the guitar, he sings with the guitar. Hence also his many improvisations and variations on the theme. He knows well what he wants, he can stay stable within the rhythm of the drums and absorbs Laura's bass well. Well thank you for your lessons and especially thank God that there are Khruangbin, Thai flying engine.


One of my favorite guitarists covering one of my favorite songs. Perfect Friday!


The way you play those A chords after Bm is reminiscent of Ali Farka Touré on his album with Diabaté Toumani. 
Check it out, great classic Malian music.


Love the way you break this down. You not only show us the how, but the why as well. So huge for me and others looking to expand their playing


Speer is my absolute favorite guitarist working these days. I also find his rhythms really hard to follow/feel/replicate, but they sound great.


MSpeirs works his whole sound/vibe around fairly long or complex eastern melodic phrasing and lines over western soul/jazz/blues/pop/hip-hop progressions...   and it's fantastic. it's like he's playing horn section, citar and piano parts in the progression on a guitar. like Steely Dan meets the Isleys.


Been listening to Khruangbin since 2017 when my buddy introduced me.  Love how they pull me out of the mundane blues chord structure music!


Yes sir! More Khruangbin


this guy CAN play anything super well,thanks for doing this lesson!!


Khruangbin is such a tight trio. The  drummer is a human metronome, bass is full and tasty, and Mark has such a distinct style and sound. Hard to be in a bad mood listening to them. 

This lesson/ breakdown was just what I needed. 
Thank you 🙏🏻🤍


Oooh, please please do more Khruangbin song lessons, this is the band that finally pushed me to try learning guitar seriously. Really appreciate it! Would sub twice if I could, man


A+ lessons.  This is brilliant.  Excellent (and approachable) explanation for what Khruangbin is shooting for.


This is harder to play than it looks! Btw thank you I can't stop listening to Khruangbin now..


Khruangbin and mark speer are my favorite right now. Any lessons on mark speers approach will keep me coming back to your channel! I mark speer does all these really cool melodic things with the triads and caged chord shapes. Id love a lesson breaking down the chords he uses and how he uses major triads for minor7 chords and all the voicings and triad shapes he uses. I cant seem to figure out his chord progressions when i try and learn by ear. I can get his shapes though