I love how YouTube trades out lovely, unpopular playlists for me which makes me feel anonymously connected.
The fact how I would actually love to walk around in the middle of the night at this kind of hour but can't because it's dangerous is infuriating to me. The ambiance of this music intertwined with the sound of a highway nearby is perfect especially when you're just... *there*. In that particular moment. You're not thinking, you're not speaking, you're not even moving. You're just staring at the city lights and you just... be. You just exist as you are and you live. You can actually live. You can feel the cool air, the warm pocket compartments of your jacket, the faint honking of cars and suddenly everything feels more alive. You're real. This is real. The universe is real and even your dreams are. It's not just this ambiance that brings me peace, but the experience that comes along with it.
People are prone to depression. I'm very depressed these days. Listening to this list gives me peace of mind. I become more positive when I plan for the future, but no matter what I do, I can't tear myself away from the past.
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life.🙏
To the one who feels like they’re not enough: You are more than enough. You are worthy of love, happiness, and all the beautiful things life has to offer. Don’t ever doubt your worth. 💜
Listening to this playlist, especially the last two songs, I was finally able to cry for the first time in more than six months. To vent all my bitterness and pain that has been cutting into my soul all this time. Even though I am a strong person, I also have the right to cry. Tears from the distance with a loved one. It's only 6 hours away, but there are so many obstacles. Thanks to the author of this video, you lightened my soul.
I find myself reading the comments as the song runs in the background... I am much older than most on here, and even I find myself questioning, "what's next"? This isn't to say I am not content in the moment. If anything, I am extremely grateful. But currently I question relationships in general.... I spent most of my life alone (unintentionally). Which, in some ways, was a blessing because I have learned how to survive on my own. I've developed a sense of pride in my abilities, resilience, and newfound peace. The most heartwarming moment has been enjoying my own company. For many years, I dreamed of being a part of something. Company is great and I would always like to have that but I find more often than not trying to isolate to enjoy my own piece of heaven.
Watching city skyline while listening to this. I don't know why, but looking at red lids of broadcasting tower bring me some inner peace.
this is what my winter depression sounds like. its so comforting yet lonely at the same time
really nice and peaceful, enjoyed those songs 🙏
I went for a walk yesterday evening at dusk, ~30 minutes after sunset when it was darker but there was just a bit of light to light up things and everything had that blueish hue. We’re finally getting some weather here in southern California and there were these dramatic looking low cumulus clouds slowly passing over my head. I had my earbuds in playing this after having several hits from my CBD vape pen and I felt so warm/comfortable in that moment. My mind was completely blank - I was just there, present, in that moment.
Dear person who is reading this, Hey, you. Yes, I’m talking directly to you. I know that life can feel overwhelming sometimes, that your mind may be filled with voices insisting that you’re not enough, that you don’t deserve love, that you need to be a certain way to be accepted. But I want you to know none of that is true. You are an incredible human being, and your existence has value. It doesn’t matter how many mistakes you’ve made, how many doubts fill your mind, or how many hardships you’ve been through. You are still worthy of love, of rest, of forgiveness. Guilt can be a cruel burden, but it doesn’t have to be your eternal companion. Your past does not define your future. We live in a world that teaches us to measure our worth by unrealistic expectations. But the truth is, you don’t need to meet impossible standards to be enough. Your existence alone is already a miracle. And no matter how much loneliness tries to convince you otherwise, you are never truly alone. Look up at the sky—see how it stretches endlessly. Somewhere, someone else is looking at it too, feeling emotions just like yours. Human connection is real, even if you don’t see it right now. I want you to allow yourself to rest. I want you to eat, drink water, and take care of yourself as you would take care of someone you love. Do not let your pain define your journey. Your body is a temple, no matter its shape, size, or the marks it carries. Your mind is a vast universe, full of possibilities. Your heart, even if wounded, still beats, still longs, still loves. Don’t let it be silenced by the shadows. If darkness whispers that you don’t belong in this world, remember: This world is yours just as much as anyone else’s. If you don’t feel like you belong anywhere, then create your own space. Build your own peace, even if it’s a slow process, even if it takes time. You have that right. Your voice matters. Your feelings matter. Your pain is not a burden to those who truly care about you. Allow yourself to speak, to seek support, to be heard. And above all, allow yourself to live—not just exist, but truly live. Be kind to yourself. The world already has enough hostility. Give yourself the love you’ve always wanted to receive. Be patient. Your path is unique, and you have the strength to walk it. I’m happy that you exist. Never forget that. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Need help? USA: - Call 988 (Lifeline Suicide & Crisis) Brasil: - Call 188 (Centro de Valorização da Vida) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Need advice on something? Hit me up on Discord App: - i7ven --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
am i crazy that i just love certain sounds without any vocals attached lol?!! that really does something to my soul and its just make you thincc about everything in the world, LIFE especially!! love it ! 🤞🏾🫶🏾
I don't know why but whenever I leave my study music videos on autoplay it somehow always comes back to this
I listened to a lot of these tracks during last winter, and it set the mood really well
This playlist especially the first song, i lost dad and i didnt have the opportunity to see him in hospital before he passed, we fought for years and in his final moments which i didnt know he tried to connect but i felt cos he was sick, and he ...i guess he was scared , i should have just gone to see him...sigh,he was in the hospital the week of my birthday, so i had plan to go see him on my birthday, he died a day before that so mentally i sorta renamed the first song "Now that hes gone". For years my dad did alotta wrong,to an extent he was abusive, however he was still my father its always easy as children to see our parents faults, and its always easy for parents/adults to be stuck in their ways , i think ive tailed off in this comment, let me stop here. thanks
I feel like crying whenever i listen to music like this, i just want someone to be with and spend time with.
This is a really pretty playlist. Thank you for such a thing ❤. Haven't thought of my grandpa for quite sometime. He passed on the 29th, the date this playlist was made. Not a bad thing. It's good to remember, to think and to just be sad sometimes. Thank you.
still awake and this one arrived and it's perfect - thank you. love the background too. transportive.