
बहुत अच्छी जानकारी और कई प्रकार की भ्रांतियों का निवारण भी मिलता है
डॉ.साहिब और आपका भी धन्यवाद


आनन्द जी ,अच्छा प्रयास ,धन्यवाद


Very very good knowledge for yuman being.❤❤❤


Good illustration  of Pudiya. Dr. Shri vastav.


बहुत अच्छी जानकारी


बड़ी शानदार व्याख्या, अत्यंत सरल एवं सुबोध भाषा में


नमस्कार आनंद सर 🙏.


Very nice initiative 🌹❤️🙏🏻


Very useful conversatipn betweem Shri Anand Verdhan ji and Shri(Dr.) Shrivastav ji. One who will follow the advices, sure he can control the BP.
      Ex. Sub Maj RN Prasad


Nice 👍 sir


Anand sir Hindi is fine in North but other Indians prefer English over preference.  Qualified guys prefer and shall speak English  Great explanation by Dr Shrivastava my Salute


Bahut accha program


Complete treatment bataye with medicine


I have reduced my BP from 162 to 126 within 45 days by two time yoga on daily basis


Very good analysis  in Good and easy Natural Language  dr. Shrivastav.

Dr. 😊 Thanks


Very good information,, thanks both of you for important episode on BP.


दो चीज प्रकृति और शारीरिक श्रम इनसे इंसान जितना दूर होता जाएगा वह मौत के उतना ही करीब जाता रहेगा


Very good example of Steam Engine dr. Shrivastav.   Thanks. You. Dr.


Very nice  ❤


Nice information.
Could you please discuss topics like pregnancy induced hypertension, pregnancy induced diabetes, pregnancy induced thyroid. These diseases are very common these days.