He's definitely interesting in that he's never felt loved by his parents, and only now he feels adoration from the common people.
Older Aegon is outrageously attractive. I thought I'd love Aemond. But Im actually in love with this king. Omg
people will regret bullshiting about his character, his arc will be crazy in future, this tribute is literal art my friend:) do an Aemond art if you can too
'If they search the seven hells, mayhaps...' My man is the GOAT
Lets hope s2 Aegon finally becomes one of the main characters like he should. In books it is Aegon vs Rheanyra not Alicent/Otto
Otto's and his councils idea to install Aegon II as king, was because they believed he is easy to manipulate. Making him nothing more than a puppet king that will further their own agenda. How wrong they are once Aegon tasted power. A dragon can't be completely tamed
Aegon is my king and prince of Westeros's realm. The rightful heir to the seven kingdoms. Can't wait for season 2. Excellent tribute and shows his pain and side well.
Cannot waaait to see him burn shit up in season 2 He’s the character I’m most excited about
The sword crossing, the tapestry, proud Otto enjoying his life’s work, the veiled & somber Queen kissing his forehead, the Septons marking his forehead,.. "All Hail His Grace...King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men"...finally justice done to the proclamation of a new Absolute Monarch in GoT. I was blown away by the details in the coronation. It felt like watching Nicholas II being crowned in an Orthodox ceremony with all the hollow pomp & circumstance of a rotting system. It's what I'd always envisioned from a GoT coronation. Tom Glynn-Carney was terrific in bringing out Aegon's fear, hesitation, pride & euphoria all at once. I'm glad they kept the much despised Criston putting the Conqueror's crown on Aegon II's head. The Kingmaker is born! What the show's doing really well is the details, down to splitting the treasury or locking up servants. Usually the passionate debates, the treachery, the heartbreak are glossed over & we only see the regime change as "fait accompli". This bring to life the mechanism that historically goes behind a coup, which I assume is as emotionally taxing for the people seizing power. That's why I like agonized & conflicted Alicent more than her steadfast source counterpart. It feels more flesh & blood. She vacillates but her messianic fear for her children fates her to make a cursed gamble.
Well done! This video has a different take on Aegon, definitely made Aegon seem more menacing. It gives the ‘descent to darkness’ vibes. To me Aegon began as a drunken idiot and comic relief but his family pushed him to inane limits, and now there is no turning back. They did a good job making him hilariously wacky despite how despicable he is supposed to be.
Aegon when he is not drinking and in his right mind he is very intelligent and politically smarter than Aemond who is hot headed person
The end is how the episode should have ended! Amazing edit!
This was like a master cut of most of my favorite scenes from this show
Long live to the king 👑💚
Long live Aegon Targaryen the Second of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the realm.
This is seriously just art, what an amazing edit best one for Aegon II.
It's a crime they didn't let him ride Sunfyre around King's Landing after his coronation... No, they had to have the big girl boss moment connected to a mass murder of the common folk... Meh