it makes me cry,it's strange it's really rare
OH SH*T. Tears are coming out. Such a powerful music
Hi Qonell! I'm not sure if you'll even see this comment, but I just wanted to say that I (and I'm sure many other people!) really appreciate these videos that you put up. They can really help to dig a smile out of an otherwise not-so-great day. Also, I was just wondering what you've been up to lately, as I've noticed there haven't been too many updates on your channel recently. I'm definitely not bothered that you might have found a reason to put a temporary or even permanent hold on making uploads; of course, people have many priorities in life and things move each other around at times. I'm just nosy and wanted to pry! ^ ^ Anyways, thanks again!
this song brings back so many emotions for me gosh ;;;
I've always loved listening to roaring tide and this iteration is amazing too! How do I know this? Well my body gets goosebumps and I feel a wave of raw emotion running through my body every time i listen to it. THE FEEEELLSSSS
love all your clannad videos ;D
Clannad Roaring Tides for Piano and Orchestra
wow, this is great!
Snow Field, Existence and Town, Flow of Time, People should be done too
Love all your renditions, they're all simply amazing! But I wish you would do Anohana's music!
The feels
Damn feels
I'm trying resist the really bad urge to watch this anime again hELP
hell no!!!!! ( breaking down in tears )
if you can do the code geass osts: Colours, The Master that would be appreciated
I started tearing up before 20 seconds... so dumb ughh :'(
Somber Tides :(
So sad :'(
Dear Kyoto Animation, can you please forgot those awful shows just like Musaigen no Phantom World and Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, and make more shows just like Clannad? Because me and my girlfriend love this show, and Nagisa is my girlfriends favorite fictional female character of all time.