


I am an Army retiree. I have seen HMMWVs stuck in mud in Iraq; stuck in a muddy puddle in the field at Ft Hood. But I have never seen one drive underwater. That was really cool guys!


We need a longer version video than this. This is shorter than a music video.


I don’t care about the length of the video, I appreciate adults knowing how to have the same kind of fun we did as kids. Back then, we did things to see if we could. Never let that change.


This had better blow up. I just saw the short of this and had to stop by for the full video, and y'all need way more views than this so here's an engagement comment for the algorithm.


Completely Underrated Content.


Only in a Southern State could you do that. That was great. You had me in suspense there!!


I liked that the wipers stayed on the whole time! πŸ˜‚


Damm this channel needs more views bro, it needs to blow up❀❀


Impressive, fellas.
Saw the short and needed a better look. Cheers, from Western Australia.


You guys are awesome!!! Im just a Native lady from South Dakota and I love what you all did!! Exciting & fun!!! I was so excited for you all too!! Great job boys!!


this channel is criminally underrated


That’s freaking cool


Great job, that humvee is a beast!


Yes the content is back stoked !!! Been here for the long haul much love and respect


Crazy πŸ˜…


This is the energy I need around me πŸ˜‚


Ngl, that is absolutely fkn epic, and one of the koolest humvees I've ever seen πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ


Better hit 20ft! Subscriber gained! Haha