
You're doing amazing, kid. Never give up, never surrender. You'll find your way in time, and when you do it's going to be the best way you ever done seen.


Juby you are a treasure.
When I first heard you sang this song, I felt so compelled to just— do something. Anything. 
I finally reconnected to some dreams I had as a kid. I thought “if I’m going to work my whole life I’ll learn to be a kid too.” 
And you deserve that too. 
Keep going at getting that perfect dream you want.


Juby, I’m glad to see your back. I hope you were doing well after all this. I hope that your mental health is better. And that you are happy through all of this!


"I sang this one for myself, I hope that's ok" Oh Juby 😢 You're a treasure to us fans, whatever makes you happy will be more than enough for us. This is YOUR life! Use it to do what makes you happy! You NEVER need permission from a bunch of strangers online to do what you want 🥰


This song dropped at a crazy perfect time - I relate to your struggle with adulthood so much. I had my first full time job that was very stressful and traumatizing and now I keep getting rejected from grad school which scares me because being a student is apparently all I'm good at. Your strength to keep moving forward is so admirable and I hope to do the same despite all the setbacks.


I know hard it can be, maybe you feel at your tipping point every day. Allow yourself to rest, but don’t stop fighting. We have ur backs girl you’re doing great


Your cover of this song from a few years ago helped me a lot while going through school and trying to figure out what I wanna do. Now a year after finishing school I finally have somewhat of a plan of what I want and got accepted for my first choice job yesterday. I admit, I still would rather be an artist, but as long as art can’t pay my bills I think the job I got accepted for is the best choice. That you uploaded this today of all days is just the sign I needed, that what I’m doing isn’t a bad thing and can still bring my closer to being an artist. So thank you Juby.


The original cover helped me rediscover my dreams. That sounds dramatic, but music has that affect on people. Just keep in mind all the hearts you've touched as you continue to go forward! We'll be there cheering you on


juby, it's going to be okay. thank you for being here and thank you for sharing your story. everything will turn out okay in the end.


Coming back to this channel after slipping away from vocaloid and covers a few years ago and I am just floored. You've grown and done such amazing things and coming back feels like coming home. Thank you for this. I love this. You're fantastic in so many ways... I hope the world shows you that again and again and again.


the song is so soothing and relaxing it helps me relieve stress after stressful school hours THANK YOU JUBY PHONIC for creating such a good song


The first time I heard this song, it was your cover. Since then it's given me a strange sense of hope, I've always dreaded being shoved into a job I hate. It's a scary world we live in, but please, keep hoping and staying strong, Juby.


Thanks for sharing your story, Juby. You're not the only person that feels that way. Thanks for sharing this song, I needed to hear it too.


With this piano version, it just brings more sadness to the lyrics. The mood is so relatable. The frustration. The need to be heard. Especially when it comes to a job. You're trying to use the best of your abilities, but it's hard because the need of financial stability clouds out everything else that should matter.


The first time you sang this song I cried, because it hit so close to home.
This time I cried because it was so unfair that you had to go through this same experience.

As someone who's been where you are. It gets better, not right away, but it does.

You are correct, finding a path that lets you live instead of just survive is a wonderful goal. I hope you reach it.

You deserve good things and life you can look at and think "yep, I am doing this for me".

Best of luck


I’m almost crying here, I love your covers so much <3


Everytime I listen to ur songs, I always fall asleep in peace like I'm dreaming in a magical world with shooting stars and it helps me focus during school days. Ur amazing and made my day great 💖


thank you juby
I feel like this song is letting me to let go of that sadness and despair. I know feel like I can move on from that now. My heart feels so much lighter and I am happier than ever.
Thank you so much


Juby, your music is absolutely amazing. I want to thank you for making it over the past year of my life especially. Your songs always sound so heartfelt and they always inspire me to keep going whenever life gets a little rough. So, just thank you I guess :)


I don't really like leaving comment but your song and message really stood out to me. Growing up, everyone I knew told me I'm smart and really hard working, but I've always been scared since it feels like everyone at my job seems so much smarter than me. And because of that I've been living my whole life wondering if I'm really good enough and if I'm really smart or if I'm just really good at fooling everyone into thinking I'm competent. I honestly still don't know, but I do knew that you're not alone and whenever I listen to you sing these songs  it gives me the strength to keep pushing and moving forward since I know I'm not alone in this. 

I hope it gets better for all of us since we all want to live a happy and fulfilled life.