
Footage Credit: @DobbieZ on YT


Bro should get his brakes checked if he can’t outbreak a bronco on a motorcycle


Buddy said following to closely when the rider was more then enough distance away


bro had way more than enough distance to stop he just didnt want to lock up his tires


The guy on the bile is a good guy. Followed him til he could check if there was any damage even tho he coupd have just acted like nothing happened.


He was more worried of bro if he was ok lol😂good shit


Hopefully a lesson learned here… my brother rear ended an undercover and fell off his bike when he was following too close. He’s only been riding for 2 mos…. Y’all ride safe out there!! People expect you home!


Bro became Micheal Jackson


Atleast they handled that like men, chill about instead of exploding about something so small like that


I didn’t hit you, there’s no damage  
Meanwhile the hitch is now pointing at the ground 😂


Fun fact: It takes a motorcycle longer to stop than a car.


He was upset nothing was damaged


Plate Pennsylvania PA


"I didn't hit you, my bike just made contact with your vehicle in a hit-like manner"


To everyone saying he had plenty of distance, watch again and read the text at the top 😅


“no hit”


rear ends WOOOHOOOO


cmon bro you gotta hit the akira slide


he just wanted to share it to someone so he stopped him and then he shared it to his friends, then a few strangers and then he shared it on youtube


I didn’t see the whole video but i hope bro at least said sorry or something