
Thank you for a lot of heart warming words, when i started business last year.
I’m sorry for your disappointment this time but
I will work hard from the beginning again.  


quitting isn't something to be ashamed about, it's actually a very brave thing to do regardless of your reasons, and it's completely okay to feel a little sad. hope things get better and better for you and you get to go with the flow and enjoy your family time a lot. thank you for another great video, much love!


There's no need to apologise about quitting your job. Sometimes things just happen and it's the best option for you. I'm glad you've been able to spend more time with your family, and in the future you'll look back on this moment and have no regrets. We all believe in you, Mr. Husbando! :D


The pudding not working out in the beginning and having to wait longer even when you don't know what to do is a funny parallel about life. I hope soon things will work out even if you have to wait a little bit longer than you expected. I wish the best for you and your family.


I also recently quit my job. My body was so physically tired, and I kept getting sick. I was terrified of not having income and what my parents would think. But I realized that my health and happiness is the most important thing, and I should never sacrifice anything for that. I know how much courage it takes to quit, so I admire your decision! Sending good vibes and blessings😊


I’ve worked about 10 different jobs in 13 years. Some, I’ve worked longer than others. Some, I was fired from. Most, I’ve quit. None of those things are marks of shame and I don’t regret leaving those jobs. They all showed me new things about myself: what I like to do, what I can handle, how to deal with different problems, etc. Quitting doesn’t always mean you’re giving up. It can just mean, “This isn’t for me and I’m gonna find what works for me.” Take some time. Get your bearings. Find what works for you and go for it! You got this, Husbento! 😁


The beauty of life is that we have millions of chances to start over and become someone new. We will always support Imamu and you! Never apologize for coming closer to who you are meant to become. Here’s to the next chapter, Husbento-San!! Chin up!


If quitting was the best option for you then that’s a good enough explanation for the random internet strangers. 

I quit a job I loved a few years due to some toxic experiences. I miss some aspects of the job but overall if I hadn’t left I would have had a breakdown. Sometimes quitting is the healthiest option.


There is no need to apologize! Change is natural and change is neither good nor bad. It is neutral. Quitting a job or changing jobs is a big change, but you must do what makes you happy! Like the pudding, things will work out for you in the end, as long as you continue to try and do not give up. Happy holidays! Enjoy your time with family and making music. :)


Quitting a job is something not anyone can do and it takes courage to do so, good luck with your new endeavors and take time to discover what your passions are:)


I know that in Japan it’s a really big problem if you quit your job, but in Canada and the US, and any Western country really, we think it’s important to have options and work at more than one job as an adult. So you are doing great! You are brave to try something new! 頑張って for whatever you want to do next! And enjoy your family time. 😊


Hello there Husband-san! There's no need to apologize. Changes are necessary in order to keep growing.Quitting a job is such a brave thing like most people already said in the comments.
This is, for sure, the beginning of something great!
BTW Attack on Titan was amazing!


I don’t like many people, but you guys genuinely seem like a nice family. It’s good to see all  of you together.


Fun fact- Vanilla beans are actually the fruit of orchids, not an actual legume, and are notoriously difficult to care for and pollinated, which is why the beans are so expensive.

Also good luck on your future endeavors, whatever they may be!


Mental health is SO important, Husbento-san! Very glad that you now have time for your family and friends and fun! <3 Take care of yourself - and yourselves!


Husbento, this was a great video. We are extremely proud of you, your hardwork, and your courage. Please do not apologize.


Quitting a job, and especially a business you put so much into, is so hard. Just know there's nothing to be ashamed of. You have to do what is best for you and your family whether that means starting over or simply just being there. You know your situation and it is not the place of strangers on the internet to judge your actions. I wish you all the best on your next chapter in life.


It's okay. Take things slowly. Everything will eventually fall into its place. Good luck and loads of love for you and your family.


This was actually the first video by husbento I ever watched and it his hilarious how different his energy is than that of his wife! XD That pudding looked fantastic and I definitely want to try it! All the best to the entire family and thank you for your comforting and delicious videos! ❤


It’s okay, jobs come and go, the most important is you have your family with you!! Take care of yourselves, lots of love from Spain xo