Nobody talking about that guitar solo, it was CLEAN
丸い顔 透き通る歌声が大好きですね👍 歌声が魂に届きます。嬉し過ぎて涙が出そうですね👍頑張って下さいね👍応援しています。
Damn....the chance to watch these ladies perform will make a trip to Japan worthwhile.
역시 가수는 좋은 노래가 있어야혀 라이브도 잘 하시네여
one of the best anime openings ever it fits the kill la kill opening pretty good. i thought she will go on the plattform but she stayed all the way back mhm
the song really fits the insanity of kill la kill!! diggin' it!!
That outfit even looks like something from Kill la Kill, though slightly less revealing.
thanks a ton for all the recordings, her live voice is even better than recorded
How can I love this soo much!!
Esta canción hizo aún más épico Kill la Kill y Kill la Kill hizo aún más épica esta canción... (Perfectamente equilibrado, como debe ser)
2:39 personal favorite.
♥️🎵 GARNiDELiA 🎵♥️
Hermosura de cancion e interprete
La amo fuerte ❤
귀여워.. 극락정토보구 왔어 ㅎ
I can still feel kill la kill vibe
The dislikes are people who got corona during this live event
Very good