
11:15 I'd like to share an exception to the general rule that pigs won't touch electricity. My mother knew a farmer that had a nut tree with an electric fence around it. There was a pig that would break through that fence to get the nuts. It would run full tilt at it from some distance, start squealing in anticipation of the pain before it got to it, and just barrel right through it. After the shock wore out, it would get up and start eating nuts. They ate that pig first.


Troy makes it all sound so straightforward. It all makes a lot of sense after learning it here.


You've both done a great job bringing that place to life and it looks superb.  All the best.  Hope Pascale is doing well.


Looking at adding pasture pigs to my farm. You are doing almost exactly what I want to do. Great video.


Wow, what a vast farm! I'm captivated by the way you take care of your animals.


YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!   HOPE Pascale is doing AWESOME with BABY!!!!!!!   CAN'T WAIT!!!!


Hi Troy & Pascale, interesting how you manage your pasture with the help of the pigs, they’re like mini bulldozers. And Pascale, hope everything is going well with your pregnancy, waiting to know if boy or girl. All the best to you both, take care, from the UK.


Love the pig episodes! :-)


Guys! This pulley trick! 
Just tried it today and mind.blown 🀯 
You have saved us soooo much time πŸ˜…πŸ™πŸ»


Troy big congrats on your baby girl!


Pasture rotation and management using pigs to till and graze the soil.


Thanks for sharing. Pascale, I hope you are well. πŸ’™


Outstanding hope Pascal is well


This video was so informative. Thank you


❀ you guys are awesome but you keeping us in suspense when is the baby arriving 😊


Excellent pig farming there mate


Beautiful πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘


You have a very good sense of the camera- I don’t the technical words but I’m impressed at the quality of your videos.


Hey mate love the regenerative agriculture

Would love if you shared your rotation schedule for the pigs eg how many pigs per area and how quickly you rotated them 

A video on your overall longterm regenerative plan would be amazing πŸ™


Cheers, mate, NC USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ