
Rate your maturity level from sponge bob to pizza below.


8. When you're trying to explain yourself but they think you're arguing with them😐


Not only for dating, these kinds of emotionally immature friends are toxic too


1. They act on their emotions.
2. They take everything personally.
3. They lack self-awareness.
4. They blame other people for their problems.
5. They always have to have their way.
6. They act passive-aggressive.
7. They are overly possessive.


Summary of the 7 signs:
1. They act on their emotions
2. They take everything personally
3. They lack self-awareness
4. They blame other people for their problems
5. They always have to have their way
6. They act passive-aggressive
7. They are overly possessive


A reminder for everyone, including myself: maturity is not measured by your age, it's measured by your experiences and your willingness to grow from them.


AGE DOESNT DEFINE MATURITY. ive seen men at 50 acting like children and 17 year olds handling heavy responcibilities with grace .


Signs someone is too immature for you
1. They feel attacked by this video


I’m just really trying to watch this to see if I will feel better but my heart is aching, and every moment feels empty without him. I'm holding on to the hope that we'll be together again, and my happiness will be restored.


“Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses, and start making changes.”
― Roy T. Bennett


Breaking up with someone with all this traits has got to be the smartest, most relieving decision I've ever done in my life.


cries in maturity


I was in a past relationship where I was the immature one, and it ruined our relationship (partly), he taught me to be more mature by showing me my wrong behaviors and finally I was ready and mature enough for a relationship only after we ended our relationship. I feel so sorry for my ex for having to put up with me, but I am thankful and know that I was not the only one who had flaws. I am proud of myself that I grew and now found a healthy relationship with someone as mature as I am and its a perfect match.


I’ve dealt with an immature person in the past. I was abused physically, emotionally, mentally, and even financially. I removed myself from the presence of that immature person. Moved on to new and better people, things, and places. Now I am at peace with everything. 🙏🏽🙏🏽


I loved the scene, "he tried to push me"
 dramatically falls down


“Often those that criticise others reveal what he himself lacks.” 
― Shannon L. Alder


There's also one critical red flag of immaturity: often change of partners after a short period of dating. It means the person is only capable of the 1st stage of romantic relationships, but isn't capable to move to the next stages where you have to take responsibility and do something beside dancing and eating in a cafe.


1:09 They act on their emotions
1:32 They take everything personally
2:03 They lack self-awareness
2:36 They blame other people for their problems
3:13 They always have to have their way
3:50 They act passive-aggressive
4:25 They are overly possessive

Edit: I recommend to watch the vid for more infos🙂


maturity is so weird especially when you’re a teenager with a brat for a mother, and you’ve been taught it’s okay to hurt people when you’re angry, etc etc. like just.. whew. i’m going to be loving though, for myself and others. it’s much more sweeter being a lovely person. god bless immature people because most of the time they lack guidance, love, and discipline in their lives. they’ll get there yall. just love them from far away <3


When you realize that you were the immature one 😓