
YES!!!!! IM HERE FOR THE SUN, MOON, VENUS ETC THROUGH THE HOUSES SERIES!!!!!!!! missed your videos, girl! ๐Ÿ’•


I love the energy you are killing it honestly. Keep up with the good work. I was literally about to search about the houses and then I saw this. Thank you.


Yes to the next series youโ€™re doing! I have my Mars in libra, so I would love to learn more about what it means for your sign to be in detriment. Or how my Aquarius sun and moon blend with my libra rising. 
Aquarius makes me want to be direct and strong in my opinions, but my libra rising doesnโ€™t let my strong opinions come out ๐Ÿ˜‚.
Itโ€™s like I think it but my mouth wonโ€™t allow it to be said directly and it comes out like a jumbled mess!!! Iโ€™m for sure going to purchase a chart reading from you sometime! 
Canโ€™t wait for more videos! <3 sorry your hand. Heal well!


Yes, I watch your videos, mainly because of your literature. I can tell you started taking care of yourself, you look great in this video!!


This video arrived at the perfect time and I love it because of it! I have a Sag stellium in my 4th house and a Gemini stellium in my 10th house and I was always like, "Why ain't I like those signs, WTF?" and this helped me understand that now!

 Thank you Denise! ๐Ÿ˜‡ Hope you get well soon! I'm really looking forward to your "Are you compatible with yourself video" because I'm full of oppositions and squares all over the place in my chart and that one could really help me understand my planetary family drama ๐Ÿ˜‚. My best wishes to you.


I were really appriciate that you make a series. Btw i love your video.




I missed your videos! So happy you are back!


The first video ever- that made sense to me about the houses finally!!!!!


Yes, we missed you! Welcome back.


I just found ur channel and I love the way u talk!! I tend to zone out very easily bc of my mental disability so it can be hard for me to focus on videos where someone is just sitting and talking but I can somehow completely focus with u, idk how to explain it but u know how to like stimulate my brain I guess? xD so yeah keep up the good work thank u so much !!


Yes please do it, I'm so excited ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ’ซ


one useful tip to remember the houses which i wish i knew before i tried memorized  the houses is just remember this "fire, earth, air, water" remember it in that specific order if you mess up the order it could be annoying. this will help you cause it will help you remember the element of the houses . first house is fire, second is earth, third is air, and 4th is water. then just add 4 to get the next house of the same element like if you add 1 + 4 you get 5 which is a fire house so if you just remember the elemnts in order it will be alot easier for you to remember the elements


uhhhhhhh, a nice new view on the houses, thanks for this new intake !!!!!!!


Glad to see a new video from you, wb! :)

Edit: wish you a speedy recovery


So awesome to see you again! Very interesting learning about the houses concerning spirit, matter, social, and secrets. I never knew that aspect of the houses! I my self have my Leo sun in the 2nd house. I would say, I do have a very grounded vibe. As far as being materialistic. I would say that could be true with certain things. Definitely not everything. I think I was more materialistic in my earlier years. I do very much like things that are practical. My mars in Capricorn may have something to do with that as well. If I may ask, I would love to hear your take on Mars in the 7th house. That's what I have. OMG I feel for you having a broken hand. I to broke my right hand back when I 15. My hand was wrapped  in a cast. So just like you. I was stock doing everything with my other hand.  Hope and pray you have speedy  recovery. Love your energy! Stay blessed! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ––๐Ÿ˜‡


Please make a series!


I find this explanation very useful and I like your idea at 7:00 as well ๐Ÿค—.  I need to understand my chart better so that I learn to make a better version of myself


Excellent video.....love learning about astrology and what makes people so different / unique from one another.
This type of explanation works.
For me, more of this type of video would be great......

Hope your hand heals soon.

Until next video, keep safe.....


Glad to see you back.  Hope your hand heals quickly.  As for series ideas.  Have you considered planets through houses correlating to there ascendants?  Like for example how saturn would affect a person in the 3rd house with a specific ascendant say Capricorn ascendant or cancer ascendant as an example.  I don't see too many specific videos like that out there so you would own the market on that.