the "deaf kid in Hell" seems like criticizing The Good Place for having good or well meaning people in Hell when the entire point of The Good Place is that the entire system is horribly broken and needs to be fixed by Team Cockroach.
I’ve seen a few people try to argue that the automatons in Helldivers are the good guys because they are trying to stand up against a fascist government. Dude, I don’t think killing unarmed civilians trying to run away constitutes as heroic. Please look at Helldivers like most people look at warhammer 40k. We’re all terrible people in our own special way. Please enjoy it.
Maybe the true media literacy was the friends we made along the way
“Media literacy” has been reduced to another buzzword that basically means “my interpretation/headcanon is the morally correct one” and now it’s just being thrown away by the most obnoxious people ever
To quote a famous mythbuster whose quote fits here "I reject your reality and substitute one of my own"
Not dead. Just absent from 99.99% of the internet.
I find a lot of people scream to the heavens about 'Media Literacy' as a cover for the fact that 90% of their beliefs were taken from a celebrity twitter account.
That reddit post at the beginning reminded me of a strange experience I had the other week. I watched a couple react to the Monty Python sketch, "The Ministry of Silly Walks." They genuinely didn't understand what the joke was or why people would find it funny, like there was a deeper meaning than "Wouldn't it be funny if there was a government body devoted to silly walks."
12:14 I would add that Helldivers 2 has, in my opinion, one of the best and most hilarious communities in the online gaming universe, with Team Fortress 2 and Deep Rock Galactic. a game where you can hug a friend or play rock-paper-scissors while throwing a 500Kg bomb on a mutant bug army with democratic punchlines on the side is easily top tier
"You are <label>. (Implying anything else you are, do or say is invalid or explicitly bad)" This is why we cannot have deep discussions most of the time. Labeling acts as a trench in opinion and media war. It gets nowhere. "Woke", "Nerd", "Extremist", "Media illiterate", we have so much labels and buzz words, it is impossible to get to the context or actual arguments.
"He did it boys... he did it... he said the thing." fanfare plays
The Helldivers I see two people People who see the satire and wanna seem smarter than they are and point out the satire while not understanding it People who know the satire and play along with it cause its fun. They fully understand the Satire.
It's somewhat amusing (and very frustrating) how many of the issues brought up in this video can be linked to Twitter. Not to say that Twitter is solely responsible for these problems, but that one platform has a major hand in it.
So the coffin of Andy and leyley. People thought it Endorsed something bad, when it was used to show how bad the characters are.
I'm surprised the whole Sokka cross dressing argument has been brought up at all in relation to this would be called woke. Cross dressing in cartoons and media has been a thing since the 1930s. It's nothing new nor is it shocking. Bug Bunny has done it tons of times. I'm certain many people don't actually watch a lot of stuff because it's not new so it's not surprising now or back then. Politics is absolutely the most toxic thing when it comes to this and I hate it whenever people try to bring it into something as it immediately makes people emotional and make poor decisions just so they aren't siding with whatever they see as the "wrong" side
"Media Literacy" for me has been another term on the internet thats almost exclusively been used to smugly attack people. But then again, most people i've seen that used that term were on Reddit, sooooo.....
It's no shame to not have an opinion about something. You can be ill informed and not educated in certain topics. It's okay to be on a fence. If you don't understand just don't say anything. It's weird how being neutral treated as shameful behaviour these days.
Something that really annoys me is people who use an author's political affiliation as some sort of gotcha. I can like media even though I don't agree with its messages, you know? It's like these people only know how to live in echo chambers.
"Media literacy" people talking about stuff like Starship Troopers and Helldivers 2 are some of most obnoxious and smug folks you'll ever talk to. They genuinely think you're an idiot that doesn't get the "brilliant satire" because you don't treat them like subjects for video essays 24/7.