I have listened this story AL ISRA WAL MEHRAJ many times it gives me goosebumps ❤❤❤ mashallah
Reasons why I’m not worried 1. ALLAH
I believe in Allah and His Messengers
The realms beyond the lowest heaven (in which we live) aren't bound by the same reality of time as ours. The 2nd to 7th heavens all have their own unique flow of time. As Br. Ahmed correctly said, most people forget that "time" itself is a creation of Allah SWT - He SWT is above the reality of time - and so He can change its flow however He wishes.
There is none worthy of worship other than Allah and Muhammad SAW is the last Messenger of Allah ☝️
MashaAllah may Allah bless all of us. May Allah always guide our hearts and never let Evil ruin all of our good deeds ameen
Aoa Sir, highly appreciated. For my life satisfaction, five times prayer, one Fast after 10 days, daily one video on this channel, and other whatever urgent and important is. If I don't, I feel like lacking and missing.
MashaAllah, it opened my eyes. Someone who has seen reality can teach us better. Keep up your good work, brother; you often inspire me.
what an incredible way of describing this sacred journey - thank you!
1,A real Muslim will never doubt about the night journey at all since we believe Jesus( peace be upon him) was raised to the heavens body and soul and will remain so until his second coming. 2, The people of the book denay it out of jealousy and envy even though its mentioned in the Torah that Enoch(peace be upon him) didn't die but was raised to the heavens. Whoever doubt about the ascension of the Prophet( blessings and peace be upon him) will doubt in other matters as well. May Allah guide us all.
May Allah bless u for all the efforts and work u are doing... Such a great explanation!!
Quranic Dua✨ (Al-Ahqaf 46: 15) 🤍 “My Lord! Inspire me to be thankful for Your favours which You blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please You. And instil righteousness in my offspring. I truly repent to You, and I truly submit to Your Will.
Alhamdulillah. May Allah give you a lot of blessings in your work. Amen
Jazakallah, What An excellent video, + i love The Way you give examples, it directly hits the mind and my mind grasps it Quickly, Make Sure to use more and more examples in your future videos too, with examples it's so much easy to understand.
Jazakallahu khairan
Learned a lot, thanks brother 💚
There are many controversies now amongst non muslims about the holy ZamZam well.Plz make a vedio on that.JazakAllah
الحمدلله ❤ على كل نعمة نعلمها وعلى كل نعمة لا نعلم بها❤
بارك الله فيكم و في جهودكم لنشر رسالة الخالق العظيم. أنتم من افضل القنوات التي اتابعها علي اليوتيوب ❤❤