
It’s the first video about plants that I came across which has been made with in-depth knowledge,and good communication. Length of video is actually because of content and not because of stretching unnecessarily for views . That we have to keep skipping for one line of actual content. YouTuber should learn from her how to make videos . Thankyou Mam for sharing .


You are the first person who was very clear in voice while explaining  each and everything in detail. I enjoyed hearing your guidance. You are very knowledgeable. I appreciate it. Keep it up and looking forward to seeing more of your videos.  All the very best. God bless you.


बोगन बेलिया के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी देने के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद आपका गार्डन बहुत ही सुन्दर है


So perfect your new video A to Z of Bougainvillea care tips || Learn flowering secrets no one tells ||Soil Fertilizer Watering my friend! Super liked! , see you soon, have an amazing day my friend!


So lovely you have so many pits with bogan biliya flowers I am so happy to see so many pits you have arrange in so beautiful manner


Beautiful flowers plants and good informative video sharing👍 big likes👍


आपका विडियो लम्बा जरूर है, लेकिन आपने जो बात बताई है बोगनवेलिया के बारे में वो काबिले तारीफ है, आपने जो शब्द कहे है एकदम नपा तुला हुआ, बहुत बढ़िया जानकारी दी है आपने, आपका धन्यवाद


Excellent !  Keep it Up !Enjoyed Seeing  & Listenig !Outstanding, coming from A 70 yrs Experienced Gardener !May God Bless U, Mam.


Wow! The amount of knowledge you have regarding bougainvilleas is amazing!!!😮 I can't wait to watch your upcoming videos! Much love❤


Swati ji bahat badhia growth ki plants ki aur Bahat hi badhia flowering. Beautiful sharing.


I am a beginner. And seen so many videos on bougnvellia. I think this video is a complete package. Iske baad koi aur video dekhne ki jarurat nhi hai bougnvellia par. I am also from Lucknow.


I am kitchen gardener and doing gardening since childhood. Your knowledge about Bougainville is extremely excellent...... I appreciate your knowledge and subscribing your channel


Nice and informative video 👌🏻👌🏻


I'm from Abbottabad, kpk province of PAKISTAN. In my place there is too much cold but we protect our these summer plants from severe weather conditions. Now I'll follow you inshallah.


Yes keep in full rain. Just make sure the drainage of pot is good. Bougainvillea gets a good growth due to the nitrogen in rains. 😊


Wow so beautiful garden and healthy plant 🌿🌿 useful information video 👌 very nice


Thanks for full information ,pls guide from where we can buy these plants.


I am also beginner of bougainvillea and i think this is the best vedio in one shot or i say all in one package 👍


Thank you


I'm bougainvillea lover and happy to see complete video 🥰