
Am I the only one who felt video ended abruptly?


My name is Farhan Rais.
Since yesterday I started watching your videos. Your videos are very informative, concise and easy to understand. 
Above of all your clear voice and beautiful usage of words hold the listeners attention.
Keep making videos.


Wah! MashaAllah MashaAllah Sir 😅
Meri hunsi n Ruk rhi SubhanAllah Sir 
All languages ...So sweet🤩  lots of love 💛I don't have words to praise you Sir! SHUKRIYA SIR!❣️


Amit da rocking in every language 😎🙏


It's a long-standing demand of students sir, make a crash course on Ancient and Medieval Indian History.


If possible please Do world History sir..


Huge respect 4 you sir. Now I've gained  command over Geography before I attempt UPSC. It's because of you and NCERTs sir. ♥🙏


Ohh bhai 
Bhai ki voice wo bhi hindi main 
Lov u broo
Highly appreciate your efforts


Everyone is making videos but the crisp ones are the most valuables....👍👍👍👍👍🌟🌟🌟🌟


sir this is a request as a student who is very much grateful to you..... please do not stop your work sir...... it is a great support for us aspirants


Fan of your sweet voice 
Explanation level is epic 👌👌👌


Wow sir dil khush kar ditta tusi,🤩🤩🤩🤩🥳🥳🥳


Beginning of Video😄😄👌🏻


Oye joyful hounda after listening some hindi, urdu and Punjabi words💝💝💝🙏


Love you sir ☺️♥️♥️♥️♥️🦋🦋


बहुत अच्छा किया आपने जो हिंदी भाषा का प्रयोग किया ताकि किसी की भावनाएं आहत ना हो ,क्योंकि किसानों से जुड़ी हुई समस्या को हिंदी मे अथवा स्थानीय भाषा में ही समझाना चाहिए| धन्यवाद


Parali is not the root of paddy plant, but its the leftover stem portion after the upper seed part is cut/picked up by harvester machines.


Amazing Vedio


How sweet of you to do that disclaimer intro!
Indeed, making sure you don't upset our bhaiyon and behenon from up North is essential.
Hats off to your diplomatic skills. ^__^


Wow 🤩🤩 You speak hindi..... And punjabi also ☺☺