Karmakut videos of EFT are always SO GOOD, what a game.
11:20 I just kept saying "Look hard left," I have been killed from there so many times that I muzzle stuff most of my enemies with a scav shot gun now.
i wish more people played like you guys this is how i always wanted to play this game
11:14 That flash call was god tier
scary to think when i play eft now that these guys are out there lurking in the shadows (kinda cool too tho)
11:30 watching Karma not check his corner and survive... makes me feel better about not checking obvious spots but I never live :( streamer privilege
drews voice is so cool hahah idk why but you and drew got me playing the game and i have wanted to play EFT back in 2016/2017 saw you guys playing but didnt have the money for a pc. just wanted to say thankyou guysfor getting me playing eft now and posting gameplay for over the years!
I really like how you guys really use team tactics I also run with a 5 stack and its been a blast getting the team chemistry together
This is both my favorite Tarkov content, and my favorite Karma content as well.
i really like your playstyle. slowly and precious. and good teamwork. really nice to watch
is it just me or do karmakut and drew have pretty similar sounding voices?😂
11:32 it's hilarious that Karmakut is a huge mil sim guy in Arma and Squad but forgets the basics of checking corner
keep the tarkov content coming!
This felt so real -- security, containment, coms, assaulting through, etc. This was so fun to watch
Favorite and scariest part of any map.
love these tactical Tarkov gameplays! Please drop more like this. Keep up the great work!
This is awesome, another learn to invest in yourself series would be great! Has definitely helped me improve my game tremendously
Loving the tactical tarkov content. Keep it up
I love the tarkov videos bro