
Great stuff. 👍👍.  We love our 2022 LFP M3. It is actually my preference now over NMC composition for many reasons.


Nano One is likely in the mix for more efficient cathode manufacturing.


Variants of LFP are the future which is why they're taking their time.  Personally, I wouldn't get an EV without LFP.  Should be interesting.


so John, is the dream of dry printing 4680 batteries dead?  The no bake batteries that would require much less space, time and energy to produce?  Is the 4680 dry print now in the category of Roadster, solar roof, home hvac . . . . .


Very good video.  Really liked the patent application review.  BTW, The fast shipping from Ali Express is impressive.


You never mentioned the difference between the lfp batteries and there normal batteries and benefits  which is better ?? 😮


Good episode, John! 👍🏼




Verbosity is seldom a virtue..........


Thanx Jon, for giving us this one of a kind deep dive into Tesla's 50% improvement in their LFP, Calcination process, which help me see how this breakthrough will likely domino into more of Tesla's Skull-Splitting' INNOVATIONS!  This is the type of Vertical Integration that continually gives them both most of the EV market, but now a stronger foothold on the  Battery Backup market & Low-Priced EVs as well.  The Sky's the limit for TESLA.


LFP is marvelous to live with.  I am lucky enough to be living in Australia with my second LFP based tesla.  Not having to worry about charge ceilings and being able to dispel nay sayers with their FUD on battery chemistry being composed of baby slave tears is awesome :)


Maybe these batteries are the solution for the cheaper Tesla cars that should come this year.


LFP is the way to go. I don't need to drive a heavy battery around all day long for that one day in 3 years I might be doing a long drive. 250 miles of range is plenty if the battery is also safe, durable and charges at reasonable speed. LFP ticks all the boxes for me though it may not for everybody.


I have to send 50% of Aliexpress stuff back. Its either broken or fake. I will never order from Aliexpress again. Not worth the hassle for a few dollars cheaper.


wish they would make actual cutting edge batteries like LTO or LiFeYPO4. the og watson cells with yeterbium were way better than current lfp tech, had lower temp tolerance and usually didnt even need a bms or balance board.


Sorry, but as a YouTube premium subscriber, YouTube should filter out ALL ads, even creator sponsors. We love in a phuked up world where we are now paying $19 a month for a sub and still have to hear god damn ads. Total bs.


Wonder why they don't license nano one materials technology


There will be no competition for LFP with 100% tariff, so it will be #1!


Nothing new, a year ago same news.


Better LFP batteries made in the USA can't come too soon.