
Spice Girls did some beautiful songs


Just cried my eyes out to this. 
My mum is currently drifting away further and further each day as she battles with the horrible Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia
This song will always remind me of when I used to sing it to her in way of apology for messing up again and again as I was growing up 
I love you Mum ALWAYS and FOREVER 


My mum passed 4th april 2023. Come back here to have a little cry and let it all out. I miss you mama so much! ❤❤❤❤


I'm 37, I dedicated this song to my mother before she passed away from lung cancer in 2018. Hearing this song brings tears my eyes.


The comments here made even a grown man me teary, as you grow older, the more the lyrics get into you. I am blessed to still have my mum by my side.


I lost my mom when I was 15 and I remember singing this to her after we got into an argument..listening to the CD and writing down every word..she recorded it while crying and now I cry everytime I hear this song. Always love your mother you will never have another.


I lost my lovely mum last year.
She was more than a friend, more than my half soul..
Today it’s mum day and I’m here listening to this song with tears in my eyes.
I miss her so much.
She always had a lovely word to me.
Nobody says something similar to me now.
I feel heartbroken.
I would like to still be hugged by her, I’d like to have her on my side, but I know she’s in God’s hands and she feels so much better now, and we will see each other again.
Love you, mum! ❤


Mama passed on (last week) I kept playing this song she's still in the hospital. I'm sorry Ma for all the troubles/headaches I caused you, I love you. I will see you again.


Time is precious. It's never too late to tell your mother how much you care and love them. Thank you mom.


My mom passed away in 2017.  I remember after her funeral I drove home from Texas to Florida and listened to this song, crying.  This song moves me and gets me everytime.  I still think about you, mom.  Love you, always and forever.


So blessed growing up in the 90s .Nothing but good music.❤🤟


My mama played this song and cried when her mom died, and now I'm crying and playing it since she died. Rest in paradise my Queen, til we meet again 💫


I was in this video! I was one of the kids sitting around them on the floor. Nothing takes me back like the spice girls do. Best part of my childhood.


And just to let everyone know my Mum passed away a few hours ago so let me give you some sound advice. LOVE your mum and cherish EVERY moment you have with her, coz you never know when  the worst will happen. I know we all don't always get on with our Mums but listen to this song and understand that your mum is the only one you get, so please make the most of the time you have and always ALWAYS try and love as much as you can xxx


I remember having this album as a youngster and realizing then that this song was something special.  Now, at 39 years old and having just lost my step mom who raised me and kept custody of me after my father passed away this song suddenly showed up in my feed on YouTube as the first suggested song and I know it’s a sign from her that she’s watching over me.  As I sit here listening to it I burst into tears thinking how relevant the message of this song is to me, especially as I’m grieving her loss.  There are so many things I wish I could tell her and will never get the opportunity to now.  I wish so badly I could have even just one more phone call with her and hear her tell me she loves me.  I love you, mom!  You’ll live forever in my heart.  Thank you Spice Girls for recording a beautiful song that is helping me cope with her loss.  I was a mega fan of you ladies as a kid and still am now, but the impact this song is having on me currently is solidifying one of the reasons your music defined a very important and formative portion of my child hood and life.


The best song for moms and daughters...brings happy tears every time


If you grew up on this kind of music,THEN YOUR TIME IN THE 90'S WAS COOL!



The best girl band ever existed in this universe, so far that I know...


This song hits different when Mama has passed. I love you and miss you Mama. Sending love to everyone who has lost their mothers ❤😘


I'm listening to this song now with tears in my eyes, replying to my mother's text message that she loves me very much and that I love her very much too.
We often say and write this to each other on the phone. She is the most important and closest person in the world to me, and I know that I am also the most important and closest to her. Maybe it's also because he has only one of me. I'm an over 40-year-old man, but I tear up like a child when I listen to this and think about my mother and her love for me.
It's a pity that my mother is not internet-savvy (she doesn't have a smartphone or laptop), I would send her this song as a dedication and proof of my love for her!
Ladies and gentlemen, women and men, boys and girls... love your mothers. This is the most valuable treasure in the world!