I love how Uber is just Uber in this world, peacefully coexisting with GigSlave, xPloit, and ChildLrbrr
I bet the reason it took so long for the Onion to make a new video was because they had to repeatedly scrap previous projects, as to not be confused for live coverage of current events.
Uber fell off after classifying their slaves as independent contractors
Saudi Arabia Public Investment Fund being the largest shareholder is hilarious
"DOGE recommends disabling legislative branch." It's sad that the writers are lazily putting real news in the ticker instead of making up stories like they used to.
"Trump continues to test legal limits, declares self one of the 'Fantastic Four'" I love The Onion
I give it 20 years before this is true. I can already hear the political arguments " If someone chose to sing his rights away in an indentured servitude ITS THEIR CHOICE, the government has no business interfering with the free labor market"
I literally laughed out loud when I saw the CEO. How did y'all find the most sinister-looking man alive lmao Edit: Apparently that's the ACTUAL CEO OF UBER holy crap lmao
Elon just offered $97B to buy GigSlave
XPloit must be owned by Elon Musk
I love the unspoken implication that, as if being a slave wasn't bad enough, now any time you're done working for one master he just rents you out to other random users on the app.
Whenever I feel there's no hope, no future. The Onion is there reminding me beyond every dystopian now, there's an apocalyptic future. Thanks Onion!
I love how they didn't make up a fake person and just literally called out Peter Thiel for being a piece of human excrement.
Peter Theil they couldn't have picked a better person to name in this satire
I like how the black anchor is like "Well it is convenient" as if inconvenience was the issue with slavery.
ChildLrbrr looking strong for the next four years.
Its great to see such innovative companies out there. Before gigslave no one had even thought of the SAAS(Slavery as a service) business model. Now everyones doing it. Truly ahead of their time.
How long until people comment "The onion has a damn time machine"
In my humble opinion, GigSlave is currently overvalued. All they do is become the middleman of the slave industry and there are only a certain amount of slaves they can share among slaveholders. Unless they figure that part out, the slave bubble is going to pop anytime soon.