
Maryam please can you tell me if it is in the customs of your people to only be loving and kind to babies and small children. I see Razia is very loving and kind to Raha and speaks softly to her small daughter but to her older daughter and son she always uses a rough voice and orders them around all the time. Those older children help her a lot with fetching and carrying and looking after Raha but she never says “please or thank you to them 🥲. Her oldest daughter helps her mother a lot every day. I don’t understand, please ask Razia why
She never sits and laughs or has conversations with her older children….only talks to them when helping with homework. I see this on a lot on  other channels in your country…. The little children are given lots of love but the older children not very much. I am really interested.


ALI SHOULD HAVE HELPED Razia dig the hole. He should mind his own business. Everyone like Maryam, Ali and her 2 half brothers stick up for Yusuf when he is no good. They should start supporting Razia. She isxthe only one talking sense


Si estos de acuerdo no se porque Meriyan apolla a Yusu ese hombre desde la otra casa demostro qué no sirve para nada solo quiere aprovecharse de Razia menos mal que ella es más inteligente Que todos ellos ❤❤❤😊


Оператор Мариам у тебя симпатичный брат. Лицо чистое и приятное. Передавай брату привет от подписчика. Пусть ищет себе молодую и симпатичную девушку пока и сам молод. 
Пусть бреет лицо и не зарастает волосом. Обрати внимание на мужчин которые не бреются. Они выглядят не красиво и неопрятно. Успехов вам.
Operator Mariam, you have a nice brother. His face is clean and pleasant. Say hello to your brother from a subscriber. Let him find a young and pretty girl while he is young. Let him shave his face and not let it grow hair. Pay attention to men who do not shave. They look ugly and untidy. Good luck to you.


It was Gholamreza idea, why not let him choose what he wanted. At least half, he helps to gather the recycle material.


Razia minha querida, faça como no Brasil maioria das mulheres são dependentes não tem marido, e ter pra se encomodar não vale a pena! Vá a luta você e uma mulher trabalhadora que luta pelos filhos!
Quê Deus abençoe sempre sua vida e sua família um grande abraço de Viamão rio grande do Sul Brasil aqui assistindo sempre teus vídeos ❤


Пацаненок собирал думал конфет возьмет и пролетел мать порошка взяла мне его так жалко стало как он смотрел на мать обиженными глазами


Que bueno reciclar así vamos a tener un mundo sin plástico ❤❤saludo operador 😊


Тяжело купить ручные полотенце,все руки вытирают об себя и штаны кофты грязные хотят ужаас


Maryam can you please let  Razia know that Yousef was at Nargis house visiting her and her children. Nargis channel call Ghazal 2000. He was saying he knew Nargis because she helped him before.


What Yusuf did to Razia is unforgivable. He is nean to her and la,y


L'argent est précieux pour Razia, ce n'est pas le temps de dépenser.  Je crois que Yusef essaie de revenir à Razia mais comme d'habitude il se sert des autres pour y arriver.  Razia a raison de ne pas vouloir de prêt, elle est travaillante, elle y arrivera.  Yusef est très décevant et lâche, qu'elle le laisse poirotter.  Bravo Razia😊


Si tapa él paso cuando no Estes dentro él bebe de Jamila y tu bebe son bien traviesos y si se Caen vas a ir presa cuidate


Please make your captions available so that we may follow.


Yousef needs to realize that a loan is nice if you can repay it. First get a job and have a steady income before trying to get a loan. Please don’t let anyone talk you into getting a loan. If he really cared he would be digging the well.💙


Do 31:46 ao 32:47 não teve legenda,não dá para acompanhar a conversa,faltou muita legenda entre a conversa de Ali e Razia,fica ruim assim.😔🇧🇷


Myriam dígale a a Razia que Yulsef anda detrás de Narges la esposa de Mahoma ahora q están separdos. Que visite a Narges le cuente lo q quería hacerle con su casa anda detrás de la casa de Narges. Que la visita así como cuando fue donde Jamila. Es un gran mentiroso. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅


Muito bem Gholamreza,sabe ganhar dinheiro !!!! Vendeu os plasticos!!! Abraços


ما که نگاه میکنیم ببینیم انسان برای پول چقدر دروغ پردازی میکنه 😅😅😅😅😅😅


De ce nu traduceti toata  discutia  ?  Voi  vreti  audienta  dar  fara  a  traduce  ce se discuta  numai ce va convine  voua  ?