Thank you Tom & Jamie
Best livestream ever!!! Thanks guys.
Windsor-riffic! Yeah, I'm late. Party's over.
Eventually, I will remember that I have things to watch at 9pm on a Sunday, clearly missed a good one here. Unless, you guys do Carlisle then I can watch on time lol
Good morning Jamie,,,,DDG,,,,,,,, Yeee Yeee 😊😊
Jamie and Tom - I am still watching all your videos.
Tom great video today
2 hours and 15 minuets and NO Music, are you Sick. Anyway I watch because you are Entertaining, and your Videos are not padded to make them longer This is the only Live Stream I watch even if I am a day late, I also read all the comments not sure why.
I’m a day late and a dollar short. I forgot what day of the week it was with all the crap going on.
Yeah, Graveyard Cars has some of the coolest cars on television on their show… but the fake drama nonsense keeps me from watching it. I tried for so long, but finally gave up. Did like the episode intros they did years ago where they reenacted scenes from “Christine”. That was pretty cool. But fake drama, just not into it.
@DeadDodgeGarage : (Watching on Monday morning). You were talking about what it takes to make a great YT channel, I have to tell you, I sub to over 200 channels, BUT, I frequently forget about many of them. In contrast, you are doing it right because I look for your videos!! I have told many about your channel and many of those love it as well.. I STILL wish you would go dig that 65' Coronet out of the woods and save it........ Yeah, it's what I have owned more of than anything in my life!!