To an American earning dollars or a foreigner from a first world country, the Philippines is CHEAP... but that is due to the purchasing power of the USD, Euros and other currency. However for people living in the Philippines are not earning the same money, hence locals would consider their cost of living as expensive.
Thanks Stephen & Taylor for your support , love and interest in the Philippines... and if you wish to visit the country, you're most welcome! I think, poverty line is quite improving this time compared to Nas daily figured in 2020, and also proud to tell you that natures and beaches here are one of the best. Just to tell you, there are now 9 American bases in the Philippines ...
@ 14:50 you asked, "how did it get like that though?" with respect to the poverty in the Philippines. It's due to corruption at the highest levels of government. I am 72 years old and can't name a president and/or his cronies who did not steal from government coffers. Thank you, by the way, for featuring Filipino artists in your channel.
I don't usually make comments and I have watched this from different vloggers and your channel at lease 4 times already, the reason that every one has their own reasons, interpretations, and take. I just want to update in regards to the to the "Trash Mountain, called Smokey mountain", it has been cleared and cleaned up an cleared up.. I can't remember what year was that. And the people, residents was moved and given a a house and small parcel of land. Lastly, Pilipinos, no natter how poor they always have that smile, the resiliency,, kindness and the positivity regardless. Thank you so much, stay safe and healthy. God bless.♥♥♥♥♥
Omg Taylor's haaaaair! Slaaaay! I so love Taylor from personality and all of her whole being, beauty in and out❤❤❤❤
Just FYI. Salary from US and the Philippines are way toooooo different. But inspite that, we also helped our countrymen. It doesn't mean you watch Nas video help our people doesn't mean we don't. Just sayin' based on your reaction. We don't rely on Americans/ foreigners help, it's just happened that Nas wants to help. And we are grateful.
Mayon V 14:30 olcano is the most perfect shaped cone from North,south,East. Or West. Also the nearby residents are evacuated to leave the area before the volcano eruption starts and are provided residence in schools with food and pets with animal care too..
Hi killermcknight, I'm not always commenting, I'm your loyal SUBCRIBER since 2020 , my first watching on your channel since you react to Morisette amon. I always follow and support your channel because, I admired both of you and I love your reaction every i watch your videos I love your reaction and sometimes I getting cry because Mrs. was crying that's why I cry also so much touchsable reaction. Anyway thanks for always showing and sharing your videos and I always follow, watching and support your channel guy's with out skipping ads. I hope more videos to produce us and see you on your next videos. Please take care both of you guy's and safe. GOD bless you all.🙏💙🙏💓🙏💚🙏💛🙏💗🙏💜🙏💖🙏💝🙏.🇵🇭
6:32 its easy to filipino ppl to help bcz we don't judge a personal by his face or languages. ❤ we believe there's good ppl out there!!🥰
It’s ok to pause it,filipino loves to listen to everyone story..
Loveee your content guys❤
Im living where Mayon Volcano is. Well we are still alive. No worries at all. You just need to stay away 4km far from it its actually beautiful when it erupts. You can even see the flames from her mouth at this moment.
Amazing vlog!!! Genuine ❤❤❤
The latest poverty incidents of the Phippines is 22% a little improvement from the data that was used by Nashdaily which is may 2020 figures. The survey may have been got with a big percentage coming from Metro Manila where there are big concentrations of poor people living in slums areas but there are many cities and provinces where poverty incidence is much more smaller than in the National capital Region.
I'm homeless back in 2015 to 2019 but the administration now are making a leap to our economy and here i am now a small business man.
We love you two! subs from the Ph 🇵🇭🇵🇭
We love you too.! New subs here from Philippines..
Just so you know, your video reactions are great! Don't mind those some bashers/trolls.
Omg I’m also a subscriber with 8milesfromhome(since pandemic)!❤ I wish you can visit one day and we get to see your vacation vlog🥰