
Therapist: ZZZ orchestra doesn't exist, It won't even make you sad or nostalgic
ZZZ orchestra:


nichijou really was something special


I really miss Nichijou.


my tear came out for no reason T.T


You: Oyasuminasai
Me, an intellectual: salamat malam


omg is this how heaven sounds like?


the only great thing on 2020 is that Nichijou is becoming relevant once again


I wish we could get more of this amazing anime.


Nano's expression… priceless…


Nichijou (My Ordinary Life)
Ending 1 Zzz for Orchestra


Holy fuck, this sounds like it fits right in with a Mario game.


Miss that feeling watching this the first time 😭




My ears have transcended to heaven


fly me to the moon


What happened to Sakamoto-san? Did he see something us as humans wouldn't comprehend? 
(Top left corner)


I always love Nichijou


You guys have done more than enough to earn my subscription and loyal support. Thank you for your good work  


This is really great


Dreeeaams coooome truuuee~