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THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! Please share your thoughts, first duo vid in YEARS, I had so much fun and I genuinely think we did amazing,
Much love! <3


Gorliac always sounds like he's smiling 24/7 and its so contagious man, love these videos


The Willjum,Gorliac and aloneintokyo trio would be insane


I totally blame the tree, your flying was flawless πŸ˜„
Thank you again for having me, it was fun making a painting for you guys! 🎨


I know Wiljum has a bigger following, but for anyone to play with Gorliac, it must be such an honor. Guy is a one man clan, and on top of that, he's humble and chill. I wish you uploaded more often but I'll take what I can get.


I honestly thought to myself yesterday, "man I hope gorliac releases another video soon". And here you are, with the legend Wiljum to boot. I love you good sir <3


1) Monstera is the 🐐 
2) Gorliac needs Minicopter classes 
3) Willij is really good at adapting to other situations ppl play style
Great video guys thank u


For flying lessons πŸ˜…πŸ€£ 

Loved it - thank you for sharing πŸ₯°


Your videos are absolutely incredible. I love how you have so much excitement for even the smallest victories, keep being you brother. Until next time!


I love it when everyone remembers that this is just a game, and that the main objective is to have fun. That mutual respect at the end is exactly what makes this game so special!


I loved their reaction at the end when they found out that it was a duo that defended and who the duo was, that 1 guy when you told them it was going in the video,  going into the corner head down was so funny


Love this type of content and I love how chill the vibes are. Keep it up!❀


1:50:31 the way he calmly said its ok its ok and then proceeded to fly into another tree was too good 😭


You're hands down my favorite Rust creator! Rust aside, your attitude and optimism in every video, even after the craziest setbacks, is absolutely contagious. It makes watching so much more fun, and we love to see it. Keep doing what you do!


How generous to let a subscriber to spent a wipe with you, this Willjum guy must be really excited. 
Love the hardwork, bro.


As always, i love your videos dude. Canβ€˜t wait for the next one :)

But i wonder, how many times will i have to do this until you expect it to come haha


honestly one of the best online raid defenses I have seen in a long time! you guys didn't give up and the raiders were skilled!


Willjum is DEFINITELY getting out of prim in this one πŸ˜‚


Please  keep on doing duo videos with Willjum its such a cool vibe between you and him,    it was  so much fun watching the video  thanks for making my day  >3


gorliac and wiljum together is just peak rust. no server is safe anymore