
I did NOT expect that ending…  Did you guys?


7:18 jack sinking into the ground
8:35 the tower is on the left
9:46 yes she was the one who sent it(so you don't have to go back and see)
10:12 freezy sinking into the ground too
12:41 now he's in the clouds

17:04 he had the one from the evidence but it wasn't as loud as the one from the evidence
18:18 villager turned into the steve thingy
18:50 the emeralds turned into steve heads for a split second
21:10 writings saying "SUMMON DELETED ENTITY 000STEVE000" twice (top and bottom)
23:55 left window there are 3/4 villager steves or maybe more

25:20 yea they got closer a bit
26:32 they start to run away from the bone/fossil
27:06 the fossil/bones moved forward

Hope it helps, sorry if i might missed some stuff


I will do 1 pushups every time someone likes this comment


I love how there is just 5 steves and he misses it 😂


The way that the villager turned into Steve Freaked me out so bad


4:44 I saw the lag it was a small tower with cobblestone blocks and then when you passed a tree it changed into the lava!!


Steve Villager was right There! 18:18


The tower was like “ now you see me now you don’t “😂


Preston I did NOT expect the ending


Times stamps
4:32 lag
4:34 tower behind the right trees
7:19 294jack sinks
8:36 tower on the left
10:13 freezy sinks
12:42 clouds
17:07 og minecraft death sound
18:17 villager transforms into the Steve villager
18:50 steve head emeralds
21:09 werid chat message
23:54 steve villager army
24:37 bone block disappears
25:19 fossil are closer
26:33 hoglins and zombies run
27:08 fossil moves




23:54 crazy amount of Steve’s


everything i found that not normal: 5:02 mr jack staring at him, 6:36 banners, 7:17 bro sinking, 8:35 theres the tower, 9:15 bro hiding weird stuff, 10:10 freezy sinking to, 11:08 its back, 12:41 preston is da sky, 13:32 preston about to find out that the video saw the future, 17:02 listen to when he dies, 18:17 the villager is steve, 18:50 go to this one paused and you will see it, 19:21 steve was here, 21:10 go to this one paused, 23:11 steve is near and he be mining, 23:55 look at left window, 24:36 watch the bone block very carefully, "random thing": some think that the nether bones were from giant sniffers and withers that were killed, 26:31 the mobs running, 27:06 watch the fossil preston made, 27:57 not gonna lie that kinda funny


I will pet my cat once every time this comment gets a like ❤ I love my cat, she’s a sweetie


Jack I know is a monster, but I still liked him


15:08 That’s what you do 😂😂😂


15:20 Preston: Missing something in F5 mode is crazy 
Me: bro literally misses everything in F5 mode lol 😂


I’ve never heard something so accurate from my 1st grade class


The steve villager cult appears at the end coming to tickle hes toes 😂😂


4:33 sapling spawn after lag + tower spawning

18:18 villager turns into Steve
21:10 writing glitches
23:56 multiple Steve’s outside window on left