regarding the pink foundation thing, its actually a minigame if you talk to the npc near it. There are at least 3 of these (at least thats how many i found so far) and they each give 40 gems!
The advice is useful, but i’m actually really watching all these guides bc i’m curious as to how everyone dresses up their Nikki. I loved the black dress outfit, it looks cool
6:21 I'm so sad I missed out on this outfit 😿 I started playing shortly after it changed over to a new limited. Had no idea until I started seeing recommended videos of infinity nikki of players with this outfit. those wingss! =softly crying=
Ohhhh oh mu goodness!!!!!!! Fiinding all the shops is EXACTLY what I needed. Only recently did I find Timis' shop and i bougght it out immediately! i need to keep my eyes peeled for any more makeup shops/shops in general <3 Thank you so much for this!
The essling that carries blings respawn too so mark them on the map and come back for them
Also if you finish mira crown even at normal rating it will give you 3 5star accessory for elegance stats
3:35 I've been wondering where people had gotten that top! Thanks so much!
Thank you so much! Especially the list of hidden shops! I had missed so many! 💖
2:00 i didnt even know that placed existed what 😭😭 and i finished the story and everything too!
Omg thank you for reminding about realm, i was struggling with getting insights 😭
i forgot about those different realms! no wonder it was so difficult to level that skill tree lol
I just got the Marques Boutique dress yesterday. It was actually not as straightforward as I was expecting to actually find it after purchasing everything though. I'm not sure if I just missed the category when I first went back into the store menu but I ended up having leave the shop entirely and come back in before I could find it.
Thank you so so much I will be playing this game on Jan 3rd when I get my new tablet ❤so helpful …..
I’m stuck at work right now 🥲 im coming back to this video!!!!
7:46 I don’t remember correctly where but the is another faewish spirit that sells clothes 😅 dot dance dress and second thing that I don’t remember also there is a another seller the name is Leafybo he sells flower designed acc
The black jogger from Loran is just what I wanted lol. By the way, where did you get the black bow at 1:07? IT'S SO CUTE😫
Didn't play this game, but still gonna watch this lol
Thanks for this, I'm having so much fun. It's my favourite game this year after Stellar Blade
me after spending all my crystals for the swan dress: