
No matter how crappy the world may seem, there will always be parents who put a lot more effort in packaged lunches to show affection to their children and loved ones.


Is nobody going to talk about how cool she made the chicken drumsticks look???!!


This woman is low-key a master chef, coming up with simple yet innovative,  healthy and delicious meals every day.  Her husband is a blessed man indeed.


This channel is so underrated


Awww when her daughter said: Let's play (asobo) sounded cuuuute!! And all the lunchies are mouthwatering


My best friend moved to Japan a few years ago. I miss her everyday, but watching these videos reminds me so much of the food she brought to school, even down to the cupcake wrappers to separate the foods. Thank you for bringing me nostalgia that I didn't know I had


Lol, your captions are so cute. I laughed at "get you" when the radish tried to escape!


Isn't it ironic that I'm a teen making this for my mom? By the way, I'm really inspired to make bento boxes for my mom everyday as a little thanks for her hard work. I wanted her lunch to be special and these videos gave me ideas! Thank you for sharing your skill and work to us!


I only just discovered your channel yesterday, but I'm already a fan! It is somehow so calming to watch you prepare these beautiful dishes - and it gives me plenty of inspiration for my own lunches. Thank you very much! Greeting from Germany


The little gesture of putting foil around the bone of the chicken so his hands don’t get dirty. It’s the little things honesty!


So many different recipes. I haven't seen one duplicated yet.


The title: Husband Bento
My brain: Husbento


Wow, I'm soooo impressed you're able to do that all in the morning, I wonder how early you have to wake up to prepare these tasty and also pretty looking dishes! I hope your husband appreciates the fact he married an angel! All of these videos are so relaxing to watch for me and I love your captions, you seem to be kind and sweet person. We don't have many of ingredients you commonly use available so easily in my country, but once I'm gonna get them (like bonito flakes, sake or tonkatsu sauce, which looks sooo tasty for me) I'll try to make some of these dishes myself. Thank ypu so much for making these videos <3


honestly i just discovered your channel today and i’m just casually viewing and watching your videos. i teared up little tbh, like to love someone this much and do this everyday so that they can be happy, it’s such a kind thing. you really are incredible, thank u for sharing this somehow intimate experience with us. really appreciate it


Daughters “let’s do something” is wayyyyy too cute


"Are you by any chance... Takoyaki?" HAHA i love your commentaries! So cute!!


Is Japan just one huge competition of whose mom/wife makes the coolest bentos?  😃


Husband better be working hard af eating good ass food daily.


I am so glad YouTube recommended your channel to me.. reminds me of my primary school years when my mum used to make bento for lunch every day, and my friends would all wonder what I had :)


I just watched all of your videos at once and thank you! the recipes seem easy enough to follow and the ingredients are available in germany too. so much love you put in these bentos! 🤩 you have a new follower!