
I've been to China 3 times. Their growth is just astounding.


Rapid rise and continuing to rise...China's peaceful rise to being a world leader is truly a "WOW" and Good Job China!


Gogo..go da great wall of China n we in Malaysia always support China


The rapid rise of China is owed to the competence of its leaders, with a sole purpose of ensuring its accumulated wealth is spread among its citizens.  Its achievements are really remarkable, and tangible from small towns to large cities.


It is now famous for even cheaper manufacturing.  It s becoming clear that any significant manufacturer will have to manufacture in China, tariff or no tariff.


We in Asia n Malaysia support China ever no matter how USA trying dirty tactics


Well done China Superpower in Technologies in the world. 💪💪👍👍👏👏💯💯♥️♥️


Every road has its bend and China is no exception. China is not perfect but China is resilent and progressive.


China has a good government policy to share its wealth among its people.  The wealthy should remember that the wealth they achieved is contributed by the masses.


The dragon has awakened and is shaking the world.


Some economists have projected that both the U.S. and parts of Europe could slip into a recession for a portion of 2024. A global recession, defined as a contraction in annual global per capita income, is more rare because China and emerging markets often grow faster than more developed economies. Essentially the world economy is considered to be in recession if economic growth falls behind population growth.


fastest growing country.. still booming..


china is center of attention


Excellent analysis and delivery


Love ❤ China from Bangladesh


How China became the largest economy in Wealth, Billionaires and Global Dominance? Win war without wars. And taking care of your own.


I am from the west love China!


As a young black woman, I am struggling to comprehend all the statistics I saw in this video. My sad question is: where are my people, and what are we doing as Africans? 

Nevertheless, I applaud the leadership in China. It is very inspiring. Bravo!


Anicent modern great China 🇨🇳 ever great 👍 in the world 🌎 🍀


Yes chinna