
Thank you Sue❤


Resonate ? It sure does ~ remarkable ! Good to see you looking well Sue & thank you 💐


Bless you. ❤❤❤


Bless you sue ❤xxx


Bless your lovely heart and thank you 🥰💕Excellent reading.


❤️ Hope you're feeling better Sue xx


No apology needed , I’m glad you feeling better !sending love and good vibes health , ❤❤🌹today I’m watching from yesterday and today !😅good hey?.thanks Sue !always a pleasure to see you,!✨🤍


This reading brings to me in my two granddaughters , it’s very difficult to suggest and give advice to teenagers , and I feel very obliged to take care of them ,and I will like to do more for them ,senses my daughter passed way I want to do more , they with their dad but need me very much , all they life’s I was very close to them and they live next dor ! But Sue I can’t do anything !my life ended when my daughter passed , ! I’m trying to be strong for them when they need to talk ,because her mother was there best friends so with me , not only lost a daughter ,also my best friend ,my confident ,my soulmate my life my everything ! And I struggle with some family members ,who don’t understand my pain and saying I have to move on ! How could they say that? Thank you for late me share ! God bless you take care if your health ! 💙✨💐