I don't know who the hell you are but you broke that shit down to me in5 minutes . It took me 30 years to learn. The Baltimore city school system is abysmal. it's no way I should not have been taught this like this!!!!!!!
I'm literally bouncing in my seat and squirming around like crazy, and even I can pick this up. You just gotta go back very so many minutes whenever you get lost and rewatch a few minutes.
4 years in school cost a lot of money without even knowing the basics of Algebra but now i have just learnt all i needed of Algebra for free then I donated subscribe,like and comment lol.
OMG!!! I'm 49 years old currently enrolled in college, I started this last night and I learned so much you go very slow and I was able to follow along Thank You!!
This is an EXCELLENT review for people who haven't visited algebra in a few years like myself. It's all coming back to me and I love that you use multiple examples and then EXPLAIN the examples and how you came to the final answer. Thank you so much!! Really better than some of the teachers I had in high school/college.
Thank you some much I cannot explain how grateful I I’m for this video I’m in 7th grade and algebra has been one of the most hard topics but this video just gave me a different point of view and for all those people that may be stressing over these don’t give up everything is possible
This is absolutely amazing. I have never properly learned algebra and always felt complete anxiety every time I have tried. It just never made any sense! It's been years since I've attempted to learn it again. I'm in a college algebra class now and was struggling so hard to pick this up! But this, this all makes perfect sense!!!!! Seriously, changing my life here lol
I am SOOO grateful that you are in this world! I'm 32 and relearning Algebra for a potential job. You are helping me on my journey to a better life! Thank you 💜
Thank you very very much for this videos, I never took math before, and you explain it so easy end simple to comprehend that is making my life wayyy easier, thank you so much for taking the time to develop this easy way to explain math, if there is any way I can contribute to help you in making this vids please let me know, thank you very much!!!!
This presentation taught me more than I ever learnt about Algebra from school in 1980 to 1984 and much more than everything I have forgotten. I am however a little bit more focused now thanI was then but astonished I could follow the teaching explanations in the video. If only I had this luxury back in 1980 things would have been different for me. I'm glad I'm subscribed to this channel and look forward to being re-schooled in a happier way. Thanks for providing this education
Some teachers these days don't want some students to pass.
hey! im heading into 8th grade this year and i was bumbed when i was told i had pre-algebra so im currently trying to learn some algebra so im not clueless thanks for the videos !
when you multiply you add exponents. when you divide you subtract the exponents.
If I had a antitelephonic time machine I'd access 2019 Youtube from my 2009 PC and wipe the floor with my classmates on the honor roll 😂
URGENT INFO: This is just our beginners/foundation course. Visit http://ultimate-algebra.com and get all our other course so you can master Algebra The purpose of this course is to make Algebra "Annoyingly" Easy. 1. It was designed so that even a 10year old can fully understand. We actually even have 7 year old students going through it successfully. 2. We avoid using terms to explain anything, Example instead of saying variable, we will simply say letters. This will ensure that anyone who knows absolutely nothing in algebra can still learn it successfully 3. We used multiple modalities to make sure it is clear and concise. We use color codes so that your eyes can easily pick up information without you even putting effort into it. We made sure every theory is clearly stated and all the exceptions are duly noted so that you cannot get confused. These are a few things about this course. It is not intended to be everything you need in Algebra. Please visit http://ultimate-algebra.com and get the full course and other courses, so you can say good bye to your algebra problems permanently and pass your next test with ease Show less
Order of operations is PEMDAS. Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division ,Add, Subtract.
Honestly I NEVER understood algebra. Got my diploma online. But now I’m a 29yr old going to college and I’m having to learn algebra for the first time. And this video saved my life. I’m currently taking college algebra and I’m so thankful for your time and effort to explain this video. God bless you. If I had you as a teacher I would have never got discouraged to quit school.
thank you for these courses. I am heading to college as an adult and this one is the easiest to follow of all the tutorials I have reviewed. I understand Basic Math very well, but algebra and compounding fractures, I have struggled with. Do you have a course on Fractures as well?