
WiFi 6 router recommendation (Amazon affiliate) https://amzn.to/3FBBSys
WiFi 6E router - powerful- 12 streams (Amazon affiliate) https://amzn.to/3n4eGm7


I recently subscribed and I felt the need to comment. Thanks a lot for keeping the videos professional and didactic, in a time when nearly all YouTube videos seem to be aimed at children with low attention spans, where even scientific and didactic videos have to be filled with jokes, awful editing, sound effects and showing the host making all kind of annoying facial expressions to grab the audience attention, it's quite a pleasant experience to watch a video where I can learn without those distractions, and having such great animations that go straight to the point help to a better understanding. It almost feels like an early 2000s video, back when didactic videos were meant to teach and not entertain. The ironic thing is, this is even more entertaining than those modern youtuber focused tutorials.


These videos helped me get through the first half of my cybersecurity degree, they’re wonderful!


Studying to get my foot into IT support and I have to say 9/10 most of the questions I've had have been answered by your videos. Please keep up the amazing work, it's truly appreciated.


Your visuals explain everything so simply, your narrating is perfect. Thanks for that.


Really informative and helpful video. I am an IT helpdesk and still learning new IT technologies. Thank you PowerCert for this upload, very helpful indeed, and your animation is easy to understand.  Great work!


Awesome! Detailed, thorough and specific as always. Thank you for all that you do
 PowerCert Animated Videos!🙂


A number of manufacturers do not follow the WiFi 6 certification, but are still marked as a WiFi 6 product. The problem here is that they do not follow the Wi-Fi Alliance standard 160Hz from the ax standard (up to 1733 Mbps - 4804Mbps on the shorter 5GHz channel), but instead 80MHz which theoretically stops at 450Mbps. What you have to do before you choose one, if you want to really upgrade the speed at home, is to check in the manual that 160Hz is max. Do not buy anything lower, because then the performance is also worse and you do not really have a real WiFi 6 router.


This is the best explanation for wifi 6 i have ever heard


I am going to save this video and use it to show my customers. 16 year cable tech, Business class, Residential, Fiber and mentor. Good job.


The best channel for networking/IT


I've watched many many tech YT vids and yours are up there as clear, concise and accurate; where you assume the viewer has an attention span greater than a goldfish's. It may help to have dedicated a short section to the client devices and the compatibility needs for them to be also WiFi6 to get the most out of the new Standard. Keep up the great work!


Because I understood clearly the explanation, I subscribed--- No frills, no fuzz, just a plain and easy-to-understand narrative.  Thank you and stay safe.


Best animations and clearest explanations on networking! Great Work!


Only a few channel are there for such great content. 
Really appreciate your hard work.

Started from the first video and now in the middle of this channel.


lol I've been watching your videos for a few years now. Infact, they're one of the main reasons I got into IT - because they were free to watch. May I ask around what age are you? lol your voice never changes. Thx for the video, I have a router that supports 802.11ax.


Each video is powerful, simple an easy to understand from beginners to expert level


This is the most helpful IT channel ever made.


You teaching = me learning.  GREAT job!!!


This Channel is so good, I cant stop watching