
I'm not sure if its possible to explain it real briefly but how are you getting the color/gradient with the duck and egg? I downloaded the project file and its not clicking in my head. I see you have multiple layers that are the different colors but how are they not covering up whats under them?


Holy underrated Batman! Not only is it a good tutorial, but your style is really nice too! Keep it up


I have been following you on instagram for a while now. and you have been one of my favourite artist. Not only you are an amazing animator and illustrator, but what else makes you truly great is that your willingness to share the process, to share your knowledge. I appreciate the honesty in your work and your zero insecurity attitude. You have a long way to go man! Hope someday I am able to be even 10% of as good as you . Keep inspiring. Thank you so much.


I attend Full sail University as a D.A.D, and I actually recommend you to my instructors and peers since we focus on Ae, Ai, and Ps, as well as C4D! So I want to thank you for helping me figure out what I actually want to do with this knowledge and showing me that there isn’t always a shortcut to just make something pop!


Amazing 👏


Ah this was recommended to me at the best time!! I need to animate a haiku as my animation homework and was thinking about doing the one about a frog leaping into a pond ^^


Great tutorial, Short and to the point, yet fun and light .  Thank you.


Youtube just recommended this video to me and im in love! Your work is amazing and your style is awesome. Immediately subbed!


I think is a beautiful liquid effect, Good work and thanks a lot Ben!


Your style is gorgeous, dude.


Man I'm loving these so much, cheers and keep it up!


Great stuff yet again! Already can't wait for the next one


Maaaan! I love your style, keep it up.


Great video. Thanks for sharing!


I just used a little bit of this in the last Modern Rogue video. Thanks for the info!


Amazing work Ben, very helpful! Thanks! :)


super!! love the effect and the style!!


Helped a lot man you rock.


This I really cool, can't wait to use it.