I'm 34 weeks! I have had the worst pregnancy with HG. It's the worst!! I'm so grateful to almost be done! I pray for all you moms. We are the strongest people i know! ❤
I had almost all of these and went into labor spontaneously at 38w. Congratulations to all the mommies! Your videos were SO helpful during my pregnancy, Diana!
I’m 38 weeks praying for a successful VBAC. Lost my mucus plug Friday
I am 34 weeks and going through nesting tremendously. I re-painted all rooms, dusted everything I owned, and threw out everything I could. I prepared all baby items and pre-washed them as well. :)
37 plus 6 today and I have all of these. I'm so excited to meet my little girl. It's encouraging to hear I'm almost done.
Thank you (even though I'm watching this after 3yrs) i am on my 40th week i can't wait to hold my boy, safe delivery to all mommas out there.
I'm 37 weeks and 4 days. This weekend we painted the trim, base boards, and doors. My hubby refinished the floors, I cleaned out our hall closets. I was going to deep clean my room today, but I am sooooo tired. So that's my next tackle. I can't wait to get it all done. Haha.
Week and a half left until due date , praying she comes soon 🙏
1. Losing mucus plug 2. Baby drops or engagement 3. Bloody show 4. Increased braxton hicks contractions 5. Nesting 6. More back aches/pains
I’ve been nesting since week 16 😅 it’s an insane instinct & now I’m at 30 weeks it’s just intensifying: my literal favourite thing to do is to clean, clear out, reorganise, stock & store. It’s like an obsession 😂
I’m 31 weeks and 3 days and I’m experiencing a few of these symptoms.. wishing us all mommas to be the best of luck!!
36 weeks today, let’s get this show on the road already
38 weeks today near the finish line😊😊. Blessing to all the expecting love fr Jamaica ❤❤
Baby due Monday. Lost mucus plug, Braxton Hicks, nesting and more....my 7th pregnancy and my 2nd homebirth. I'm so ready to meet my little boy!
35+4 today! I relate to these comments so much. The nesting is real! I deep clean EVERYTHING and I have never liked cleaning. I’ve had a lot of Braxton hicks contractions as well , leg cramps behind my knees, lower back aches, exhaustion after walking or being on my feet too long. I’m so so so excited to meet my babygirl she’s due Aug 21 st!!
Thank you ma'am Your videos really help me all through preg days My water broke that same day at 4cm then I went to the hospital at 12:45 and I delivered my little princess 5:08am on the 6/3/2023 through normal delivery Congratulations to every mom to be ..
30 weeks +1 with my first. Labour & delivery makes me so nervous/anxious 🙈 All the best to everyone who is expecting & may we have complication free deliveries. ❤
That little calendar at 2:35 had me startled a little, because my due date is Nov 5th. Which is next week! Haven't felt/seen any of these signs yet, except for baby engaging about 4 weeks ago. So excited to start noticing something!
36 week pregnant dilated two centimeters. I lost my mucus plug two days ago. I’m having aches in pelvis. Your videos are really helpful for me. Your videos help me when I have questions before my appointments. I am so happy that I found these videos.