
Hey, guys! For those of you wondering why suddenly I’m working on a Mac instead of Windows, I actually use both systems behind the scenes. For some reason, whenever I work with Camera Raw, my screen recorder on Windows freezes, so had to record this one on a Mac. Keep Creating :)
- Unmesh


“Why we even need channels like these” has EVERYTHING to do with the presenter! We click for the info, but stay tuned for the wit charm and wisdom of the presenter. Thx 4 all you do, Unmesh!


This man is made to make everyone perfect in photoshop


Bro, it doesn't matter if you are using a MAC or a PC. What's important is the knowledge you are sharing with us. Thanks for your amazing tutorials. You are definitely the GOAT.


The world needs more teachers like you .


I am blown away by this information AND how well you share your knowledge while still being likable and not exhausting to listen too. You seem to really have a care and passion for your craft and for helping others grow and lean. What a gift! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and flare with us!


Without a doubt the best presenter of PS and other Adobe programmes on YouTube. I have learned so much and am really enjoying the journey.


Bro! I'm in a photoshop class for school. Although my professor is very good at his job, I have a hard time retaining the information. Your videos help me so much when I'm at home doing the assignments! Big thanks and keep doing what you do!


What you're doing is priceless the world needs people like u.


Remarkably thorough, well organized and densely packed with information. Your presentation style is so positive. Thank you for this.


Finally finished all the new tutorial videos and I loved it and I leaned so much. I know the basics of Photoshop but there were so many features i wasn't familiar with like the Pencil to in Curves and the fact that you can use images as masks just to name a few. So thanks a lot for this AWESOME series


What a BEAST of a tutorial video!!! I’ve been using Camera Raw for way too long to not know about many of these features. Self taught. This video is going to change SO much of my work flow going forward. Thank you!!!


You are the best. You are my reference when it comes to Photoshop. I use Bridge and Camera Raw and have learned new shortcuts watching this video. Keep up the good work.


Even if somebody is already working with CameRaw, they can still learn something new. Thank you for your upload and great work.


I just landed here and I already notice the whimsicallity in the video. Congrats for the good work!


I never expected to get the analogy about a raw potato, and it make even more sense to me about camera raw than anything I heard before. Here we are! ❤ Thanks, Unmesh! Even now, I keep learning so much!


I'm amazed at all the new tools and actions in Camera Raw, I had to get a newer computer to be able to access the latest version of Photoshop, it was so worth it. My favorite thing is the portrait retouching that creates all the separate masks for skin, teeth, eyes etc.


The best video I have ever watched on Camera RAW ! Take love from Dhaka


Always great content!  I really appreciate the info shared and the way it's presented.  Pro-tip for white balance in Camera Raw, when using the White Balance tool (I), you can click and drag to get the average of an area instead of a point sample.  Really handy for proper white balance over an area that has variations.


At some point, I realized I'm close to completing the video because of all the info I was getting only to check the seek and realize it's only been 8 minutes... so much info here!!👏👏