


glad you back with anotha one! don't stop the grind


great vid thanks :) maybe a weird request, but could you do a handcam from your POV? Mainly I just wanna see the angle at which you put your thumb on the right stick, and how far you put it over the stick haha


have liked all your content since chapter 2 man :)


I am so glad you're back!


Glad to see you back Cole always got my support(slty)


wow the fact this is hidden in the controller settings is so stupid, as a keyboard and mouse user i never knew about this until this was recommended to me by YouTube. Thanks bro


You should play a solo victory cup and upload highlights, id love to see how you do nowadays! Always tuned in  back in chapter 2 so would love to see more comp videos.


Love your vids glad u back


Miss you Cole!


finally he's back❤️


The Homieee


W broski great vid!


2 vids in 24 hours? i gotta be dreaming


Just swapped to these settings and instantly dropped a 99-kill solo win 🔥


The controller settings goat 🐐


thank you!


i first started play fortnight on a controller but i prefure keyboard and mouse, but i like to play on my controller sometimes.


Would you have any controller bind recommendations for someone who only has 2 back paddles


I don’t play controller but still a good video