
That "Sit down AND SHUT UP! "felt personal


The fireball game and drive gauge management between two players are truly insane! Both players can survive from the corner pressure and didn’t burn themselves out.


A lot of good back and forth in these matches, both players are equally skilled. Very tense


Both players looked like number 1 ranked. Hats off to both, very competitive


Only Akuma I seen so far that keeps doing tatsu into nothing for demon flip setup. I saw that tech on Twitter but haven't seen anyone use it until here. Most people use sweep. Kawano basically always does dp for full damage. 

Really nice play variety with Akuma. Love to see it.


RYUKICHI is ranked number one, wow, I knew he was going places but this is something else!


Hell of fight. I thought he was going to pull a Cleveland 3-1 upset 😂


This gameplay is in fact top tier, but I can’t help but think of Mario whenever I hear Akuma’s ‘UWAAAAH!’ KO scream.


This combo at 3:40 was insane


Ryukichi is easily the most fun to watch high skill player in the world, hopefully we get to see him in top 8 at EVO.


That last combo was insane


Since neither of them is gaining or losing MR, is this a private match?


Very good play from both.


Ryukichi was very impressive at japevo


Real dog figth.. !!! Awesome


Ken Highlights:



NGL this ts guy is cracked


“Sit down and shut up!” Bro wtf I’ve never heard Ken talk like that ever since I bought the game. Disrespectful what did akuma do to piss him off ?


Damn that Ken nasty af