
This song is 39 years old?! It could have been released today and no one would be the wiser.


Everyone loves that spin me round song but THIS is the best Dead or Alive track.


I have always been captivated by this video. The aspect ratio accentuates Pete Burns' attractiveness. Plus the song is BANGING. I fondly remember dancing my a$$ off to this song at college parties in the 80s.


Even in 2022, when you hear this song playing in a store, you can see so many people walking around singing along to it. A timeless classic.


Quality of 80s popular music has yet to be matched by any era.


That man had one hell of a voice.


This song is an absolute masterpiece. Pete, you will never be forgotten by the world because your character and your songs inspired so many. You definitely did not deserve that cosmetic surgery addiction which ruined your beautiful and perfect body sadly enough. I am convinced you are an angel now and you are reunited and dancing with your mother, Steve Coy and all the others you had lost in this sad world in heaven. I respect and adore you and I hope we will meet one day in paradise. Love to all of you!


How many people still loves "Dead or Alive"???.


Pete Burns was a brilliant singer. I think this song means so much to so many people  and it is a timeless classic just like his other hits ❤


He had the face, the hair, the swag and even some grace. Guys these days aren't as interesting as he was.


Such a fine looking man, intelligent, talented, with a strong feminine side... perhaps to gentle for this world filled with wolves.
Rest in Peace, Pete.  You were stunning here on earth,  I'm sure you are turning head in heaven.


Dead or Alive was one of the few bands that actually make pop music cool. Tragic how things ended for Pete but he left a mark on this genre, that in my opinion, solidifies this band as perhaps the greatest pop band to ever exist. There will never be anything that compares.


RIP Pete.

I only wish you had known how beautiful you were.


Pete just absolutely ruled it! What a voice! What a performer! Miss you Pete!





This is pure 80s goodness if you're feeling down and out put a little dead or alive in your day it'll make ya happy to💜


I danced to this at a Catholic school dance. The DJ smuggled it in. We were delighted...the nuns and teachers, less so. :)  Thanks for the good times, Pete.




One of the most extraordinary pop songs ever written. The absolute zenith of Pete Burns' career.


He didn't need to change himself. He was a beautiful man the way he was.