
This was a lot of fun - Enjoy the video! :_codealia:




2:15 Little snail be like


05:31 When or if they fix the sword maybe give Jack his jacked also as a style. Then with his hat and jacket he is trully  CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, please fortnite🥺❤


alia u are the best fortnite youtuber !!!


I feel like Ali is just the goat ps make more reload vids 😂


i love your vids your the best fortnite youtuber


HI ALIA!!! Love your videos


Yeah, well we’ll we’ll


I've bought all the Ali merch expensive but worth it thx Ali for everything and daily content


I’ve gotten 3 dill bits in one vault


ALI-A I found it on the first day of the season


The nuke idea is the rocket drill plan


2:09 The Littlest Snail be like


10:34 thats his intestines


I love your video’s




Keep up the work Ali a ❤❤


I love your videos ❤❤❤


Pretty sure the nuke plans for skillet is the plans for the new weapons like maybe the drill or pump and more or it’s a nuke 😅