Thanks to you, I started studying music!
I’ve come back to this video, to say to the total of nobody who is probably reading this, that this song means so much to me. At first, I wasn’t the most fond of it. Then, I began to really enjoy it and it was one of my most listened to songs for the best time in my life. Now that time is gone, it still remains, unlike everything else from then and I can’t help but cry. Thank you Luke. If you find this of course.
That man is missing a bass string. He thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did. Even more impressive!
Cant wait for a rude buster cover, gonna be absolutly beautiful
Guys, let's not discredit his greatest achievement (yet!): He learned and mastered the cassette player for this one. The goat. Also, that sax duet is so wonderful I wish I could wipe my tears of joy with it..
This song is gonna be such a banger, with all the different instruments that could be be played for this song, so much hype. I hope you cover "The Legend" and "Rudebuster" in the future.
Brass Winds Percussion Strings And this man mastered them all, i wanna be like him someday
I am part of the silent but admiring community, and today I had to write this comment in view of the incredibly qualitative content you offer us!
1:39 it's gonna hit his fingers -- watch out! -- oh, that was close !
He played more instruments in 3 mins than I can do in my entire life 😂
SO excited for this! You’re literally my favourite musical youtuber, your covers are so beautiful and you’ve inspired me to learn more instruments. Field of hopes and dreams has to be one of the best deltarune OSTs so I just know you’ll do an amazing job 😊
i'm glad i bought my first studio headphones so i can hear this music in it's all glory
a really small thing in this i absolutely adore is the separate shots of you holding the sax (with different sounding notes, with every one of them panning right and left) 1:56 really adds to the atmosphere and its small things like this everywhere that really makes your compositions stand out in the best way possible effort goes a long way and you are a prime example of way (also as well as the music, the visuals are amazing too and very satisfying to watch), PLEASE.....our old pal SPAMTON needs some [[importance]]
Field of Hopes and Dreams is my absolute all time favorite. I'm forever in love with this piece and I lost count how many times I have replayed it... And now my favorite youtube musician is covering it. I can't put into words how excited I am!
This song will always be my favorite track from this game. It makes me feel nostalgic, even though it's only almost 5 years old, and takes me back to much simpler times when I was just starting high school.
Maestro Luke will never cease to amaze us!!!
Your covers make me so happy :) as an undertale and deltarune enthusiast, seeing the music being played physically is SO AWESOME....
1:10 this strikes pure fear into my heart knowing that if your hand slips, your soprano sax will be deader than the monsters in a genocide route