First great job, and thank you for the videos !
It is funny; I come from a science background, I have no problem planning things out and sticking to the preplanned story without getting stuck. However, I find the actual process of writing quite exhausting. If it's just something simple and basic, no problem. But I am working on a xenofiction with a lived-in universe and quite "inhumane" characters. Boy ! It is hard to keep those shoes on for a long time! I am about 70k out of the 250k needed for the book (as a side thing after a year, standard length in hard-science fiction).
I like the results, and my beta readers connect with the protagonist (an 800-pound shapeshifter) and ask for more. But I don't know if there is a method to get it done any faster. I am improving over time; I can feel my brain growing and allowing me to write better, faster, and for longer.
All that to say, I find it odd to hear someone talk about creativity as relaxing the brain, it never worked like that for me. I am probably doing some things wrong, but I don't know where to find advice that is useful to my weaknesses. And all the books I like were written in the span of two years by already-professional writers.
I think your course can be valuable to many people, but I don't feel touched by it. But if anyone has pointers or resources to share in the comments, I would be grateful.
PS: emotional themes for my story: the discomfort, isolation, and cosmic dread that come with increasing knowledge and understanding of the world. (I still keep it fun)
not a native English speaker,
again, thank you the audio logs and the podcast