
Hi everyone! What grade (out of 10) would you give this video?


1:41 My bro started to laugh and said oh shoot I’m a baby💀


Motherhood is beautiful if you’re ready for it


My mother was exactly this age when my older sister was born back in 1927. Except that she gave birth at home in rural south Georgia. This gave me an idea what she went through.


My boyfriend and l are 43 and 38 but this scene scared him.  He said it would break his heart to watch me go through this and he would feel guilty because it would be because of him.  Kirsten makes this look so real


When she said: “Hi Caleb! Hi baby!” I immediately thought of my mom. 🥹


Aww he stooped crying soon as he heard her voice


My cousin just had her son 7 months ago at 18 years old after high school graduation.we went to her graduation and 2 weeks later she called us and told us she is pregnant. Of course everyone is mad at her because she’s having a baby young and unplanned. I wasn’t because you can’t be mad at that. It already happened. You have to deal with it.


3:38 Little Caleb, this is your great grandma.


My mom was 16 years old when she had my sister. Late teens early 20’s when she had me.


It's just a movie, but I am so glad they showed a young girl choosing to KEEP what she created - the beautiful, miraculous LIFE she created, even if it wasn't planned! God bless all the young women who make this difficult choice under these and other very hard circumstances❤❤❤


Epidural.  Wonderful.


Years ago (over 3 decades) an old schoolmate(my age, 18) was about to become a Dad. His mother was 10, going on 11, when she gave birth to him, and the Dad was 13.


His name is Caleb 🍼🤰👩‍🍼


Never realized Kirsten Dunst did such a movie lol


She was so young!


my mom was either 18 or 19 years old when she had my sister back in 2005 and I was born in 2006 but she was with my dad before she became pregnant and my dad told me and my sister that my biological mother is leaving me and my sister and things weren’t working out between them and me and my sister were crying and hugging because I knew this was going to happen. “I miss you mom” 😭


Been there done that my baby 👶  girl born at 6lbs 7 oz 19 ins. 12 11 69. Beautiful.


Kirsten Dunst 💕💕😃😃


Just imagine the amount of pain that she went through to have that baby like that’s a big baby