
Many years passed still Allies are fighting in Stalingrad


Now i want the M1A1 Abrams released because of the 120mm canon.

I hope they gonna release it in the next or second next season.
Their were already cases where the upcoming or second upcoming platoon was from the same country.


The worst platoon I could have bought premium, the main tank is the same as an M4 Sherman, they look at you and you're already on fire


Gaijin needs to start adding new vehicles for top tier american platoons instead of the filler bradleys.


Yeah, that's exactly what I thought, even though the front is good, overall the M1 doesn't have much chance of survival.


to be honest the abraham is less of a threat than maus since it design shows the weak spot in 4k


And ofcourse this thing has little chance of survival sense Wtm doesn’t count its composite armor and spaced which is 100-800mms


What a good piercing shot.


Bro is  living our dreams rn


What with y’all hyping over the Abrams in the previous months 😭😭


I am the T-64 at the beginning Ahmedggg😂❤


I like the jet engine sound of this thing bro !


Do you recommend this platoon over the Leo 2A4 platoon?


Dayyum bro that fast?


Damn al your tanks are Premium
Im your new sub


Waiting for M1A1 version with 120  gun and 5 secs reload


m3a3 no era is criminal 💔


Ggs great video and overall nice plantoon


damn they have better customization options then us


In my opinion the only good things about this platoon is the blowout panels and the reverse gearbox